Rightwing Darth Vader

I should keep my opinions to myself on the touchy subject of Darth Vader’s political leanings, but nontheless I will drop the hint that I think he is more Ghibelline than Guelph.

However, at the NRO Corner, J Goldberg argues that Vader is not Rightwing:

“Darth Vader grew up poor and oppressed — a slave even! He was saved by a progressive organization which took him in out of a mixture of pity and affirmative action. He was admitted thanks to a sort of one-drop-rule quota (his only qualification is that he had the right midichlorian mix in his blood). The organization was comprised of nature-worshipping technocrats who believed that there their Gnostic insight into the nature of the universe gave them the unique privilege to fix everything they laid their eyes on. Their new age faith involved a lot of talk about getting in touch with your feelings and distrusting technology (but Darth never appreciated the hypocrisy of his own limousine liberal bionics). Corrupted by power, John Kerryesque arrogance, and other selfish motives, young Darth — then going by his slave name Anakin — embraced the Empire which sought to overturn the planet’s-rights system of the republic in favor of centralized planning. He then dedicated most of his career to enforcing a classically progressive, top-down socialism of the “one-best way,” breaking contracts with mining companies when it suited him. Late in life, when he realized the unintended consequences of central planning, he recanted. So maybe at the very end he was a neocon of sorts. But by then he changed his name back to Anakin. Regardless, I don’t think we should be claiming Darth Vader as a rightwinger.”
