G.I. Joe movie to de-Americanize Joe
You cannot trust everything you read on the Internet, or, as I call it, the Web of Lies. On the other hand, one from time to time comes across things one knows with a sickening feeling are too absurd not to be true.
GI Joe is to become a international police force in a planned movie.
The popular all-American comic-book military man and action figure dating back to the 1940s is undergoing a significant transformation for the Paramount Pictures-distributed “G.I. Joe” film, which begins production in February and is scheduled for release in summer 2009.
No longer will G.I. Joe be a U.S. Special Forces soldier, the “Real American Hero” who, in his glory days, single-handedly won World War II.
In the politically correct new millennium, G.I. Joe bears no resemblance to the original.
Paramount has confirmed that in the movie, the name G.I. Joe will become an acronym for “Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity” — an international, coed task force charged with defeating bad guys. It will no longer stand for government issued, as in issued by the American government.
The studio won’t elaborate, saying filming hasn’t begun and details are still in the works, but the behind-the-scenes rumblings are that the producers have decided to change the nature of G.I. Joe in order to appeal to a wider, more international audience.
The word is that in the current political climate, they’re afraid that a heroic U.S. soldier won’t fly.
If we were Romans, the American Eagle would be as feared as the eagle of Rome, because these places would be our dominions now. If we were even as imperial as Victorian Great Britain, we would have no qualms about placing Viceroys over conquered lands in the Middle East or even Europe. Do you really think West Germany could defeat a nuclear-armed American military if we were determined to fly Old Glory in every place the German flag flies, or the Red Sun of Japan? But America does not crave dominion, we crave partners in trade: we don’t want slaves, we want customers and vendors. We want equals.
As with most things in the human condition, it is the cynical and clear-eyed Hobbes who explains why the American soldier is currently held in such dishonor by those who have the most cause to honor him, namely, the craven, weak, and weak-minded Leftists of Europe and America, the ‘useful diots’ who would have been summarily killed by any of the various tyrants they dote on, Castro, Stalin, Mao, or Saddam.
Hobbes says:
To have received from one, to whom we think ourselves equal, greater benefits than there is hope to requite, disposeth to counterfeit love, but really secret hatred, and puts a man into the estate of a desperate debtor that, in declining the sight of his creditor, tacitly wishes him there where he might never see him more. For benefits oblige; and obligation is thraldom; and unrequitable obligation, perpetual thraldom; which is to one’s equal, hateful. But to have received benefits from one whom we acknowledge for superior inclines to love; because the obligation is no new depression: and cheerful acceptation (which men call gratitude) is such an honour done to the obliger as is taken generally for retribution. Also to receive benefits, though from an equal, or inferior, as long as there is hope of requital, disposeth to love: for in the intention of the receiver, the obligation is of aid and service mutual…
Search high and low, and the one theme never seen in modern philosophy, Marx and Nietzsche and their epigones, is the theme of gratitude paid to any human or divine person. The Leftist never says, with the humility of Newton, that they stand on the backs of giants, for they dare not admit any debt owed their ancestors, lest it be admitted that some generation before the present one be seen as wise.