Another Victory for the Space Princess Movement!
It is only a link, and my Jesuit confessor, Malvolio de Cassuist, assure me that my vow only to post on Friday is not broken if I only post a link.
A PRINCESS OF MARS! Written in 1917, still worth reading in 2007.
Pixar can do action and comedy and everything else right, because Pixar recalls the basics of good story-telling. They better have a good looking Dejah Thoris, is all I have to say.
Forget your pathetic Jim Kirks and Luke Skywalkers, fanboy. John Carter is the ichi-ban, the baddest of the badasses of space: he is immortal and remembers no origins, and he can project his thoughts across interplanetary distances, and he is the finest swordsman of two planets, and, best of all, he is a Virginian.
No one can beat him, not with sword or radium-pistol. And he can read minds and (somehow) make himself inter-fertile with an egg-laying species. He unfailingly polite, honorable, and bold. Don’t piss him off.
And whatever you do, don’t kidnap his space-princess!
That is a bad move, Ripley, a bad move; it is almost as unwise as kidnapping Jane Porter and hiding in the jungle with her. You can hide at the south pole of Barsoom, or on one of that world’s hurling moons, or even on Jupiter: it won’t matter. If John Carter is after you, and there is nothing to say but: stick a fork in you — You’re done.