And now for something really importent! INDY IS BACK!

The reason why writers and film-makers from time to time stand in awe of the craft of writing, or the art of film-making, is that, from time to time, a story comes along, a character appears, and you just … fall in love.

Usually, you fall in love with stories that are not bitter, not cynical, not ironic nor aloof. Usually, the great tales are about simple things, the things children know and love, but which even a bitter old curmudgeon might doff his hat and place it over his heart when he beholds.
Heroism is such a thing. A man facing fearful odds for the ashes of his fathers and the altars of his gods.
It is easy for the sophisticates of the world to scorn these things, the way gourmets corn meat and potatoes. But to the rest of us, they are meat and potatoes.
I know a man who tells me he decided, despite that all the world said otherwise, that he would treat young ladies with respect and chivalry. He says he learned his lesson from reading PRINCESS OF MARS by Edgar Rice Burroughs, back when he was young and impressionable. A children’s book, you say? There is many an adult who has not learned the lesson yet that this man learned in youth from that simple tale.

Happy Saint Valentines Day to all of you who are in love, as I am, both with real people and with, from time to time, people not quite real.