Footnote to Modern, Ever-Changing, Ever-Evolving Moral Standards
From Dawn Eden. She reports:… is run by Planned Parenthood’s Pacific Northwest chapter Planned Parenthood Columbia Williamette, is … gratuitously exploitative of underage teenagers.
… because TakeCareDownThere is a taxpayer-funded site that targets children, I believe it is important to have an idea of just what Planned Parenthood is promoting. The site’s pro-promiscuity agenda is truly degrading to human beings in general and children in particular. It presents the pedophile’s dream of an omnisexual kiddie “cuddle puddle” as though such activities were normative teen behavior.
So, if you can stomach it, shut the kids out of the room for a moment and look at the TakeCareDownThere video clips, like the ones labeled “Threesome” and “I Didn’t Spew.”
Whether this is the natural end result of a natural and hedonistic moral philosophy, I leave to the reader to decide for himself.