Those of you who Object to Caesar Overruling Doctors’ Consciences
The American Center for Law and Justice is collecting signatures on a petition. They explain it this way
The announcement was made Friday, March 6, 2009. Since the official announcement was made, the public now has 30 days to file comments with the White House … so we’ve got 30 days to make our voices heard at the White House.
Make a difference in this nation and stand for the freedom to act according to your conscience. Sign the online “Petition to Protect Pro-Life Doctors” below now. It will be delivered and filed at the White House no later than April 8, 2009.*Zip&sc=3419
There is also an article on their website explaining the embryonic stemcell controversy. Apparently such research taken from adult stemcells (research which does have positive results and promises more) is being curtailed, whereas research experimenting on human embryos (research which destroys human life, and has no record whatsoever of any results) is being expanded. This is like the auto bailout: throwing good money after bad. Not to mention destroying human life. And the secularists call US anti-science.
I can understand the cold Nazi bloodlust of wanting to experiment on Jews & Gypsies, not only for science, but also to see them suffer, because I understand the psychopathology of sadism. I do not understand removing a promising line of research to persue an unpromising line of research. That is beyond pathological, and well into the satanic.
I am not anti-science, merely anti-satan.
Science says that a fetus as young as 14 days after conception shows brainwave activity. People who long to euthaize patients in comas point to the lack of brainwaves as a sign of a lack of human life. But then the presence of brainwaves in an unborn child should by that token indicate the presence of human life? Of course, that would involve talking about science, and, for some odd reason, only the Christians seem to know the basic facts available in any highschool textbook on biology. (For example, the secularists do not seem to know what a ‘species’ is, or how it differs from a ‘fetus’. When I ask then to what ‘species’ the ‘fetus’ in question belongs, they cannot answer, or they utter a paradox.) The pro-science group knows not that much about science.