Announcement from the Administration
The White House officially announced today that the Democratic-Republican form of government in the USA was abolished.
This was done by means of a mutlithousand page Orwellian-named Finance Reform Bill, which no one has read and which no one need read, since the point of the bill is to place the financial sector of the economy into the hands of the permanent ‘Civil Service’ ruling class. Any attempts to amend the legislation by future, presumably Republican, Congresses will come to nothing, or be discussed with the same sobriety as attempts to undo the Great Society or the New Deal reforms — which is to say, the same people discussing a return to the gold standard or the repeal of the 16th Amendment. Reagan Republicans might discuss it halfheartedly, but the McCain, Bush, and otherwise big-government establishment Republicans will do nothing. Libertarians, Third Party Candidates and Tea Party activists might discuss matters for a time, until Saturday Night Live or the NAACP declares their ideas to be beyond the pale of politically correct thought, and condemns them of heresy, witchcraft, ungoodthink, and racism.
Simply put, the new legislation allows the government, at its sole discretion, to seize asserts, reorganized businesses, break apart businesses, reorganize the board member of businesses according to race quotas, declare businesses out of business, or reward businesses with taxpayer’s money according to no particular standard. In effect, as of now, this is a authoritarian corporate-collectivist state, and the machinery of big business and big government is one and the same.
An authoritarian corporate-collectivist state is a fascism.
The word has been much abused, mostly by folks who read no history books, but the word refers to the political philosophy popularized by Mussolini, which proposed state control and regulation of all aspects of human life, particularly the business world. Free men will no longer, by means of their spending or refusing to spend, select which businesses will prosper and which will fail. From now on, the businesses friendly to Caesar will prosper; and those found not to be in the public interest, which means, not friendly to Caesar, will be axed.
The Financial Reform Bill does not address, nor even mention, the causes of the latest depression. As with all depressions, it was caused with government interference in the credit cycle. Uncle Sam spent money on credit, creating an artificial boom, and when the bills came due, there was no money to pay, and everyone who borrowed went bust all at once. In the current case, the artificial boom was in the housing market, where Uncle Sam decided it was in our best interests to give housing loans to people who could not repay them, in order to build houses no one could pay for. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the two government-owned financial organs behind this, have not been abolished, nor reformed, nor subject to additional regulations.
Instead, the free market in the financial sector has been outlawed, and placed under the careful control of someone named Wesley Mouch. He has been to all the’right’ schools, knows all the ‘right’ people, and has all the ‘right’ opinions: for example, he thinks both the Tea Parties and M. Night Shyamalan are racists. He does not know the first thing about high finance, and cannot even balance his own checkbook.
He is, however, strongly and firmly convinced that he is our moral and intellectual superior.
I am kidding, of course. You will never actually know the name of the faceless bureaucrat who writes un-reviewed rules that have the force of law and are subject to no appeal, which pressures or bribes or forces banks and financial institutions to pull your money away from you and give it to Caesar’s friends. All you will notice is unemployment lines getting longer and the prices of goods and services going up, while their quality goes down.
We are no longer a Republic. Oh, there will still be elections and political debates, but they will increasingly serve ceremonial purposes, or even the same purpose as a football game or a gladiatorial match: merely something to distract the multitude. The outcome of the elections will not disturb the workings of the socialist-Caesarocapitalist machine. The fact that the vast majority of Americans oppose this evil nonsense henceforth will mean nothing: because the disapproval of the majority only matters in a democratic-republican form of government, where votes make a difference.