Bill Introduced to cut free lunch for PBS and NPR
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Read this:
Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a member of the Senate Commerce Committee that oversees the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-Oklahoma) introduced legislation to stop taxpayer subsidies to public radio and television.
My comment: Thank you, God. Even if nothing comes of it, thank you. Prayers are answered.
I doubt any words or any analogy can convey the simple, stark, appalling unfairness of Uncle Sam taking money out of my pocket and bread out of the mouths of my children, not to do something arguably constitutional, such as pay for military forces to protect those children, and arguably helps the nation; but instead to tell and to repeat incessant NPR-style lies about me and mine, and everything we believe in, and erodes and rots the moral and mental fiber of the nation.
I realize that God, or if not God at least Dante, punishes many sins in deeper pits of hell than the bearing of false witness against one’s neighbor, but were I one of the judges of the underworld, my greatest wrath would fall on those who tell falsehoods and slanders.
To involve my tax money, and therefore the national honor in such a loathsome and petty emprise stains me in a fashion I find most detestable. Be done with these vile worms of falsehood, administers of the public purse. Let them compete fairly in the marketplace of ideas, and let them go the way of Air America.