Latin Begging
Are any of you scholars out there willing to help a poor student with his Latin? Here is text from my current manuscript:
His voice was so horse and cracked that it made me wince and wish I had a canteen to lend him. He sounded like he’s swallowed sand. “Ego sum, ego sum, sicut vinum sanguis tuus bibiturus sum usque ad ebrietatem.”
It was Latin. The magic was that allowed me to understand languages was not helping me out, but I did catch the gist of what he’d just said. It is I, even I, who shall drink your blood like wine even unto drunkenness.
What world was he from? This one? Another?
He spoke again in his voice of dry creaking: “Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt.”
The tone of voice was clear: sardonic, contemptuous, deadly. The Fates lead the willing, the unwilling they drag.
Your humble author is afraid he has butchered the language. Courtroom Latin is about the extent of my knowledge.