What’s Wrong With The World Part IX—More Ignorance — A Digression on Intolerance
A Digression on Intolerance
Likewise, the modern man tells himself the fable that, in the same way the modern age and only the modern age discovered Relativity and invented rockets to the Moon, so too the moderns invented a new form of moral and ethical enlightenment unknown to the crude and unwashed ape-men of prior eons. The new principle is called ‘Tolerance’ and it consists solely of being intolerant of the ethical precepts of the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
(Despite that fact that all other traditions, pagan, Near-Eastern or Eastern contain precepts as strict or more so concerning sexual morality or respect for elders, for some reason these are never condemned as intolerant.)
‘Tolerance’ consists of this one rule: All the wise men of the ancient and modern world were ignorant bigots; all persons of the opposing political camp are ignorant bigots; everyone but me and mine are ignorant bigots; except of course any members of non-Christian religions who happen to disagree at some point or another with a Christian ethical teaching—such folk, no matter what else their lore or customs, are delightful expressions of their own rich cultural heritage, redolent with spiritual insight and admirable ethical teachings.
The Aztecs (so I have had it explaining to me with sneering condescension by a modernist) were innocent victims of an atrocious Christian genocide. Their nightmarish practice of mass human torture followed by mass human sacrifice, the capering of their priests with offal smeared in their hair while wearing robes made from the flayed skin of little girls (slowly beaten to death so that their tears of pain might magically conjure rain) — these are what we tolerate; whereas a White man who opines that men should be chaste, romantic, loving and respectful toward the women in their lives — he is a bigot, a benighted fool and perhaps a racist, who cannot be tolerated.