Free Exercise of Religion Officially Outlawed
Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion or the free exercise thereof, except in regard to appointing an unelected Bureaucrat to arbitrarily misdirect private medical insurance funds for non-medical use, such as providing free condoms, free sterilization, and free abortion-enduing drugs to kill unborn children, in which case, Congress shall have no limits on its total power to whatever the hell it damned well pleases. Whereupon the Stamp Act, the Tea Act and the Townshend Acts and the Intolerable Acts will look quite tolerable in comparison.
Next up: reading the Bible declared a hate crime, and Menino, Emanuel and Lee announce this “hatebook” is not welcome in Boston, or San Francisco, and Biblical values are part of Chicago values.
What is offering just a small pinch of incense to divine Caesar worth?
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