Google and the Sacred
You can tell what a man holds sacred not by what he says about it but how he treats it.
I notice today that Google has an image glorifying Martin Luther King, on the anniversary of his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech, which was one of the inspirations for the overthrow of Democrat Jim Crow laws in the Democrat South, which remained as a shameful legacy of Democrat slaveholding which the Republicans stopped, even at the cost of a hideous and ruinous war. The Republicans also voted in the Civil Rights Act. (Why do the Republicans never get the credit and the Democrats never the blame for these things? Because the Democrats control the public education. Thanks, Dewey.)
I notice that on Easter Sunday, Google put up an image of a communist agitator for workingman’s rights. No doubt the fellow was brave and devout, but is there no one else whom one should remember and honor on Easter Sunday?
Why does Google honor Dr King but not the King of Kings, the Lord whom King worshiped? Because they hold his struggle for equality and equal rights to be sacred, but not the faith which gave Dr King the strength to make that struggle, nor the Creator which gave him and us those rights.