A Public Comment about John Scalzi
Dear readers,
You are probably unaware that I recently quit SFWA. Since I am hardly a famous or significant writer, I assume no one noticed or cared, but a sense of professionalism required me to list in public the causes for my discontent. So I published a letter to that effect.
My discontent was the lack of professionalism from the guild: it had become a house of gossips. Naturally, so as to avoid the paradox of indulging in the vice to which I objected, I chose not to gossip about the specific persons who were behaving unprofessionally.
The drawback of my policy of reticence is that some may believe I condemn persons whom I do not condemn. Let me therefore, as publicly as before, salute John Scalzi.
During his term, he never behaved toward me with other than professional courtesy and genial goodwill. I like his writing and do not care about his politics. If he cares about my politics, by no sign has he shown it. We have always been on a friendly footing.
I also note that during the recent hyperventilation of accusations and counter-accusations surrounding the Hugo nominations (which had nothing to do with my resignation, but which is noteworthy nonetheless as a sign of the times) Mr. Scalzi was one of the few voices calling for all stories to be judged on their merits, and to scotch rumors of ballot-stuffing. This is as SFWA leader, past or present, should speak.
We also both support the restoration of Pluto to his rightful position as a full planet of our nine-planet system. In the grand scheme of things, this is a more significant topic than any infighting among a flock of science fiction writers.
Not that anyone should be concerned on the point, but, again, my sense of propriety requires the record be set right. If any man wishes to misunderstand me or my motives, he shall not do so with my cooperation.