First They Came for the Girls Scouts, But I Said Nothing…
An article too rich not to share from Big Government (
The Girl Scouts USA has just ended its 53rd Convention amid sharply declining membership numbers, serious financial problems, cookie boycotts due to the organization’s known ties to Planned Parenthood, and now, the threat that those who want the group to retain its former, traditional values will split off to get the Girl Scouts back on track.
As CBS News reports, for the second straight year, both youth and adult membership in the Girl Scouts has dropped dramatically. Over the past year, the total youth members and adult volunteers declined by six percent, from 2,994,844 to 2,813,997. The past two years have seen total membership down 11.6 percent, and since 2003, when membership peaked at more than 3.8 million, total membership has plummeted 27 percent.
Girl Scouts CEO Anna Maria Chavez attributes the falling numbers to overarching societal factors, such as less financial stability among parents and families, leading to the need for parents to work several jobs with little time to take children to activities or to volunteer themselves.
Chavez said the dearth of volunteer adults has forced some Girl Scout councils to turn away girls who want to join. She added there are approximately 30,000 girls on waiting lists around the country.
“The need for what Girl Scouts has to offer is not decreasing – more than ever girls need our time and our commitment,” Chavez said. “Our challenge is to meet them where they are with enough caring adults to serve them.”
However, as Will Doig at The Daily Beast observes, the Girl Scouts is facing a split between those who believe the organization should return to its traditional values and principles and those who want the group to focus on more “global” concerns and issues, such as “female body image” and how to reduce one’s carbon footprint.
“We’ve got a group of people organized,” says Marty Woelfel, a volunteer with Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana. “I won’t tell you how many.”
According to the Beast, Woelfel and others are prepared to return the Girl Scouts organization to its traditional core principles and activities such as canoeing, archery, fire building, and other wilderness skill building.
Nowadays, girls work toward merit badges for analysis of how fashion blogs portray women, developing a plan to reduce one’s carbon footprint, or how to commit to an “eat local” diet plan that is “sustainable.”
“We listen to and move at the speed of girls, and research shows that today’s girls not only love camping and being outdoors, they also enjoy technology and helping the world while having fun, all of which can be found in Girl Scouts,” says Kelly Parisi, chief communications executive for Girl Scouts USA.
However, as Breitbart News has extensively reported, not all is “fun” at Girl Scouts USA, and Parisi, formerly vice president of Marketing and Communications at the Ms. Foundation, had joined a national campaign during her tenure there to punish the Susan G. Komen Foundation for trying to defund Planned Parenthood.
The Girl Scouts’ ties to Planned Parenthood, abortion, and other “non-traditional” activities include the fact that Josh Ackley – its main media spokesman – also happened to be the lead singer of a “homopunk” band that filmed several controversial videos, including one in which a woman is strangled, and another in which a young man writhes naked on the ground and appears to be masturbating. As Breitbart News’ Austin Ruse reported in January, when Ackley’s extracurricular activities were exposed, the Girl Scouts merely scrubbed him from its media page but still tweeted that “not only is Josh Ackley still employed, no one has been demoted.”
In May of 2013, a Girl Scout-sponsored event in New York City, billed as one to “celebrate women and girls” featured a live screening and panel discussion of the documentary MAKERS, a feminist, pro-abortion video account of prominent women described as “trailblazers.”
The Girl Scouts organization even stepped into designating pro-abortion Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis an “incredible woman” who deserved to be on the list of the 2013 “Women of the Year.” Additionally, on its Facebook page, the organization promoted former HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius as a woman of “courage.”
The non-traditional, “modern” Girl Scouts organization also hired a “Girl Experience Officer” named Krista Kokjohn-Poehler, who is a lesbian married to Ashley Kokjohn.
Among the internal issues that have led to expressions of public resentment among alumnae and regional councils of the Girl Scouts have been an unfunded pension plan, revenue deficits that have led to the elimination of about one-fourth of the staff at national headquarters, and the closure of some Girl Scout camps and what has been perceived as a shift away from camping and other outdoor activities that were once synonymous with scouting itself.
As CBS News observes, as the Girl Scouts’ membership has plummeted, the American Heritage Girls, formed in 1995 as a Christian-oriented alternative, now has over 35,000 members.
Read the whole thing:
For those of you too impatient to read: whenever the Leftist take over, they ruin.
No exceptions, no, not one. That cannot be a coincidence. If their behavior was purely random, purely insane, one would think that by the law of averages they would occasionally get something right, do something right, improve someone’s life, bring joy somewhere.
But, no, their behavior is not random. It is deliberately a rebellion against reality, against logic, against free will and in favor of mind control. It can make no one happy because of a simple and obvious rule of human nature: (1) slaves are unhappy when forced to do what their master, but not they themselves, ought to make them happy; (2) and the master, despite his pomp and high position, grows bitter, cynical, lonesome, loathsome and sad, because he must treat the slaves as subhuman, and by dehumanizing his victims, he loses his own humanity himself, and degrades himself into being a monster. An unhappy monster.
The parallel to what has happened to Science Fiction is clear. Once upon a time, science fiction was about fiction stories depicting the wonder and terror of the science and the universe. Now it is about gay wereseals and nonbinary gender and exposing Mike Resnick and Barry N. Malzberg held up to the two minute hate, damaging their careers and getting them fired, for being polite to ladies in a fashion deemed retroactively doubleplus ungood for no reason in particular, merely as an example for the others. Likewise, Girl Scouts used to be about scouting. Now it is about antichristianity, lesbianism, eco-Marxism, Gyno-Nazism, and blithering inane ritual behaviors called for by the Death Cult known as … well, it changes its name every fashion season, so who knows what they are calling themselves now. Political Correctness is the most accurate label they ever put on themselves, but them they immediately repudiated it.
The whatever-they-are-calling themselves this season, the death-cultists I call the Morlocks, have but one goal: they yearn for The Worship of Evil to replace all other religions. Abortion is their Eucharist, sodomy is their marriage, and euthanasia their extreme unction.