More of the Same
I note that Mr George RR Martin calls for a return to civility in the Sad Puppies debate ( I welcome the idea and would not be displeased if the Puppykickers were men of such character as to be able to carry through with it. But I applaud the gesture.
Myself, I would be more pleased by a return to basic honesty.
For one, Mr Martin would have seemed more sincere had he not parenthetically added “And too many people empowered VD and his slate… either by voting for the work he slated (often unread)…” Which says, in other words, that those who voted for my works in record numbers, giving me a record number of nominations, did not read those works.
The claim is not correct, but it is politically correct, that is, this is the narrative convenient for SocJus, and the mere fact no one could possibly know this is a matter of sublime indifference.
Often unread, indeed, Mr. Martin? And how, praytell, would you or any mortal man know such a thing? The Hugo committee does not quiz the voters on their reading comprehension.
I suspect they were read. I have heard from hundreds of fans who voted and who expressed regret that my stories did not win. It seems to me odd that anyone would send a personal note of condolence to a writer whose stories one did not read: but even if Mr. Martin were privy to my private letters, he would have no basis for a firm conclusion as to how many, or even if a single, vote were cast for my stories by someone who did not read my stories.
So why add these two dishonest words to the sentence? It would seem an oddly undiplomatic gesture to make in the middle of a sincere proffer of a truce: that is, if this were a sincere proffer of truce, and not merely more of the same.
Morlocks live in darkness and consume human flesh for their holiday feasts. I can indeed be civil to them if they return the courtesy, but I cannot change their nature.
The basic nature of SocJus is dishonesty.
They addicts of Social Justice seek forever to be outraged at some nonexistent injustice, so that they can paint themselves as martyrs and crusaders in a righteous cause, but without the inconvenience of suffering martyrdom or the travail of crusade which would accompany any fight against a real injustice.
One sign of Morlockery is to pen a missive asking one’s foes to abandon their arms and surrender in the name of compromise or civility or somesuch hogwash, while offering nothing, nothing whatsoever, in return, not even basic honesty.
Nor is Mr. Martin in a position to offer anything. Like the Sad Puppies, his side is a loose coalition of likeminded but independent members.
If he refrains from incivility, but his allies do not, I gain nothing by forswearing the use of such colorful terms as ‘Morlocks’ or accurate terms as ‘Christ-haters.’ If I wanted to be bland and inaccurate, I would adopt the flaccid language of political correctness.
And, by an entirely expected coincidence, during the same fortnight as Mr. Martin’s call for civility, we find other members of the SocJus movement busily not being civil or honest:
The surrealistic sensation of finding oneself subject to the two-minute hate for things one did not say by eager Witch-hunters (leveling silly, false and negligent accusations apparently in hopes of gaining a reputation for zealotry) is not one I would wish on any unstoical soul. In this week’s episode, we find that I call men bad names not because they betray my trust, ruin my favorite show, and seek to worm their sick doctrines into the minds of impressionable children, but because I do not like women befriending women. Who knew?