Sad Puppies 4 The List
Sad Puppies 4 has released their suggested list of Hugo nominations.
Full doc is here:
I am delighted to note who is at the top of the list with the most votes and positive comments!
Best Novel
Somewhither – John C Wright
Honor At Stake – Declan Finn
The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut’s Windlass – Jim Butcher
Uprooted – Naomi Novik
A Long Time Until Now – Michael Z Williamson
Seveneves – Neal Stephenson
Son of the Black Sword – Larry Correia
Strands of Sorrow – John Ringo
Nethereal – Brian Niemeier
Ancillary Mercy – Ann Leckie
Best Novella
Binti – Nnedi Okorafor
Penric’s Demon – Lois McMaster Bujold
Slow Bullets – Alastair Reynolds
Perfect State – Brandon Sanderson
The End of All Things 1: The Life of the Mind – John Scalzi
Speak Easy – Catherynne M Valente
The Builders – Daniel Polansky
Best Novelette
And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead – Brooke Bolander
Pure Attentions – T R Dillon
Folding Beijing – Hao Jingfang translated by Ken Liu
If I Had No Head and My Eyes Were Floating Way Up In the Air – Clifford D Simak
Obits – Stephen King
Our Lady of the Open Road – Sarah Pinsker
Best Short Story
Tuesdays With Molakesh The Destroyer – Megan Grey
Today I am Paul – Martin L Shoemaker
… And I Show You How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes – Scott Alexander
Asymmetrical Warfare – S R Algernon
Cat Pictures, Please – Naomi Kritzer
Damage – David Levine
A Flat Effect – Eric Flint
Daedelus – Niall Burke
Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers – Alyssa Wong
I am Graalnak of the Vroon Empire, Destroyer of Galaxies, Supreme Overlord of the Planet Earth. Ask Me Anything – Laura Pearlman
Best Related Work
Sad Puppies Bite Back – Declan Finn
Appendix N – Jeffro Johnson
Safe Space as Rape Room: Science Fiction Culture and Childhood’s End – Daniel
A History of Epic Fantasy – Adam Whitehead
Atomic Rockets – Winchell Chung
Legosity – Tom Simon
There Will Be War Vol X – Edited Jerry Pournelle
You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) – Felicia Day
Frazetta Sketchbook Number 2
Galactic Journey –
As with last year. we AstroTurf gamergaters, wifebeaters, neonazis, Klansmen, and utter outsiders who know nothing about science fiction and fantasy should invade the safe and private areas of a genre alien to us.
We are motivated solely by fear, loathing and malice toward blacks, women, gays and minorities, whose growing power robs us of our ill-gotten white privilege, and, for some reason, our desire to express this ferocious illwill takes the form of casting votes for science fiction stories based on merit and not on race or sex.
Remember: do not read a single word or letter of any of these works. This is a slate vote. You are mindless robotic zombies, as soulless as Daleks. Except you don’t know was a Dalek is, because we don’t read science fiction.
Just kidding. In reality, I wrote SOMEWITHER Because I love my readers, and wanted to write a book to delight those who love the SF genre I love, regardless of whatever nonsense these mentally disturbed leftwing ninnies are always yammering and clamoring about.
Dear Reader, I don’t care about your skin color, sex, or private sins. They are none of my business and the topics are insufferably boring to me. I could not make myself care about them if I wanted to.
I care about whether readers like good SF.
I care about the science, the wonder, the terror, the adventure, the speculation, the intellectual exercise, the wisdom and the folly, the glory and the shame, the insight into human nature, and, for that matter, alien nature.
I care about all the shining wit and brilliance and lyricism of dreams of far tomorrows captured in the covers of a beloved book.
The Morlocks who scream their mindless hate and scorn know nothing of me. They selected me as a target of their hate, as best I can tell, precisely because I am innocent of everything of which I am accused. They would not need to rewrite misquotes to make them sound damning if my real words, real thoughts, and real opinions were anything like what they needed for their Two Minute Hate.
These are sick, sad, broken people, tormented by their smothered and inflamed consciences, and in their pain they lash out at whatever and whoever is good, virtuous, truthful, wholesome, decent and normal, because the mere sight of anything good redoubles their self-torture, shames them, and deepens their despair.
Prayer for their souls, not anger at their anger, is the proper response.
Prayer for Patrick Hayden, the editor at Tor primarily responsible for corrupting and politicizing the Hugo Awards, is particularly important. He is a Christian who has lost his way to Christ, thrown his lamp away and poked out his own eyes, so he stumbles through mazes of his own making following hallucinatory afterimages produced by light-starvation, and thinking these are guiding stars that lead him true.
His is a foe of Christ and an enemy of the Church, but is so far lost, that he cannot even hear the shepherd’s voice calling him out of the wolf den. Pray for his wrecked and wretched soul.
And then go nominate my novel. Because Tor decided not to publish it, and their noses should be rubbed in the mess their putting PC above SF has made for them.