Captain America now a Nazi
So the beloved and iconic comic book character, invented by two Jews during World War Two as a promise that even a 4-f could serve his nation and fight the inhuman horror of Hitler, is now being turned by those Leftwing politically correct posthumans who have inherited the intellectual property into a Hydra Agent, that is, a Nazi.
This is an abomination. The police would investigate me if I dared to voice in public the rather unchristian daydream provoked in me of what outraged fans should do to this writer, or the cruel torments involving naked mole rats, an oil barrel, a bucket of piranhafish, a radioactive hacksaw, a gunpowder-filled plastic banana and Niagara falls. Instead I will restraint myself, and say only that this is a deadly insult against a beloved iconic character, against Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, against the loyal lifelong fans, against America itself. In a more civilized time, the gentleman would answer for his insolence with pistols at dawn.
But meanwhile, in related news, a group of college kids asked whether a 5’9″ tall white man is a six-year old 6’5″ tall Chinese woman: and all the respondents shown here dutifully and politely refuse to tell him he is wrong.
Please watch the whole thing at least twice so that it sinks into you what you are actually seeing. Look at their body language, and listen to the soft, meandering, girlish tone of voice used both by male and female students. Listen to them giggle as the try to use reason and fail.
These students act as if no one has ever questioned them before. I have talked with toddlers who were better able to discriminate between reality and make believe.
Perhaps you are eager to say that there are surely some on that campus who would have answered otherwise.
If so, you are numb and blind to the shocking fact that there is even one student at an institution of higher learning who has unlearned what they were taught in Kindergarten: lying is bad, and play-pretend is not real.
Our fathers were that age when they fought in World War Two and Korea. Seventeen year olds no older than this flew jets and drove tanks loaded with dangerous ordnance. They were able to tell the difference between friend and foe, explosive and inert, male and female, old and young.
When I was a Freshman in College, I was reading Homer and Plato. In Greek. But College these days, politically correct colleges, are not colleges. They are seminaries for the ersatz religion of political correctness. They make your child stupider, rob of him of religion, and strip away civility and good manners in the name of activism.
I call Trigglypuff to the witness stand.
This footage was taken during a talk by the College Republicans at UMass in April 2016 after attending a speaking engagement to protest Steven Crowder, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Christina Hoff Summers. The riotous shouting and booing attempting to prevent the enemy-of-PC from speaking was continuous during the lecture and Q&A.
The speech was given by a feminist, a charming and harmless gay Englishman, and a comedian. The ‘hate’ the overweight young woman was demanding be kept away from her virginal and fact-free brain mass was, in fact, a few conservative jokes and ideas being told by a sardonic and charming Catholic boy with fabulous hair named Milo Yiannopoulos: a man who has harmed none and hates none.
So what do we do in a culture which has lost the ability to tell the difference between Nazis and Heroes, male and female, child and grown-up, Chinese and Caucasian, tall and short, and do not know their left hand from their right?
What do we do with a culture that has replaced reasoned discourse in our institutions of higher learning with shrieking and arm waving?
Because if you cannot discriminate between true and false, valid and invalid reasoning, ugly and beautiful, vice and virtue, then you have lost the gift of reasoning. A posthuman creature who has lost the gift of reasoning is either a Morlock, a dangerous predator, or an Eloi, a helpless and hapless nonentity. Neither one can explain, justify, excuse, negotiate, or be held to an agreement. Because neither can speak. Neither can reason.
All Morlocks can do is chant slogans and drown out the human trying to talk. All the Eloi can do is whine in fear.
The Left will not stop until they are stopped.
There is no point of depravity, insult, injustice, and insolence at which they will realize their own fault and halt themselves.
Self control is antithetical to their way of life. The depravity is the point. Hatred of all the productive, churchgoing, decent who made their lives easy and pain-free is their motive. Chaos is the goal.
Some of them, the leadership, knows what it is doing, and some of them, the lemmings, fools themselves into not knowing, and averts their mental eyes from the knowledge, or breaks into giggles, or breaks into rage.
There is no bottom floor to hell.
Whenever you think that now, finally now, the depravity, the arrogance, the folly, the drooling stupidity of these hatemongers who loath the flag on the flagstaff and cross on the church steeple, will come to an end, and the possessed Eloi will come to their senses and stave off the Morlocks coming to eat them, you are mistaken. No matter how bad it gets, it can get worst.
Until we, as a nation, turn away from all these worldly vanities and return to God, we are doomed. The world will end neither with a bang, nor a whimper, but with the sound of a young man giggling like a girl, and a fat girl waving her flabby arms in pointless rage.