Odd Tidbits
Amazing what odd tidbids one can find on the interwebs.
This is something I found while looking up the proper names for Japanese sword forms.
“Kakashi’ means someone who takes the outward form of something for the sake of status or pride despite their lack of ability to do the thing they say or attempt to do. It can also refers to scarecrows – they look human, but they aren’t.”
It is of interest to fans of the longrunning anime series NARUTO. There is a major character there whose power is the ability to copy the magical techniques or jutsu of other ninja, much as Taskmaster the supervillain of Spiderman can copy anyone’s fighting style.
In a scene in the final season, when he is facing absolute defeat, an enemy mocks him as being a scarecrow, utterly unequal to the task. I did not get the second meaning which would have been clear to the Japanese audience.
His name, of course, is Kakashi.