Last Crusade 41: Out of the Mouth of Babes
We have been treated this week to one of the most appalling and cynical displays of pure, malign, mocking evil recent memory records. In the wake of an atrocity too raw and new to repeat, when the bodies of the slain are not yet cold, and the enemy had trotted out children, and with fake tears in eyes and vile cusswords on lips, placed those children in positions of groveling on the steps of the halls of power, begging for chains and fetters.
Perhaps, to the casual eye, the vision looks like students, whose peers have just been murdered at random, begging to be protected. Look more deeply.
Listen with care to what they say. Listen with more care to what they do not say.
They say they want common-sense firearms laws. At first glance, this seems a reasonable suggestion. The murderer used a specific tool to accomplish his crime. To a shallow mind, it is a simple proposition that limited access to that tool will hinder future attempts at this crime.
But no specific provision of law is being discussed, and, besides, there are already laws against murder.
There are already gun regulations beyond numbering, and the law abiding citizens abide by them. Insane boys going on murder sprees do not. Strict obedience to the letter of each regulation, making sure their paperwork is correct, is not a high priority for the murder boys.
The silence on other issues is indicative of their true purpose. They do not ask that police be posted at schools. They do not ask that teachers be armed. They do not ask for homeschooling to be welcomed and normalized. They do not ask for the cultural rot of fatherless families, opiate addiction, the war on boyhood, the nihilism and godlessness to be addressed.
If the requests were honest, that is, if anyone actually thought limiting access to tools would deter specific crimes, we would see equal fervor being expended against, for example, lockpicks used in housebreaking, computers used in computer frauds, vehicles used as getaway cars, ladders and climbing gear used by second-story men, cameras used by blackmailers, stethoscopes used by safecrackers, and on and on.
But, of course, the tool used to murder, the gun in the hand of a bad man, is also the tool used to stop the murderer, the gun in the hand of a good man.
Gun confiscation removes the tool used by the good man to stop the murder. It leaves the tool in the hand of the bad man to commit murder.
The teeth in the jaws of the wolf savages the sheep. The teeth in the jaws of the sheepdog kills the wolf.
The only creatures having no teeth are the sheep. When attacked, sheep bleat. They can do no more. They are toothless.
So why would the young cubs of sheepdogs go to the most dangerous of all wolves, and ask him to pull the teeth from the grown dogs? The schools have raised the cubs to be sheep, not dogs.
But whom does this benefit? Sheep do not initiate organized rallies. Sheep do not know the tricks to humiliate and silence opposing arguments unheard.
Three to five strong young men of high school age could, if they were as bold as Spartan youths, at the loss of only one or two of their lives, tackle a gunman wandering from room to room, and kill him with fists, feet, and teeth.
Don’t get me wrong. If I were in that situation, at that age, or even now, I doubt I would have the nerve to do more than cower. So let not my comment be mistaken for a word of blame. I blame no one.
Nor am I suggesting such a reckless tactic. We send boys to boot camp to train them to have the nerve to keep cool under fire, and we train them to be soldiers, not heroes: skilled professionals, not show-offs.
But I do wonder. Many a youth that age, to show off for a girl if nothing else, is wont to take stupid risks. Or so it once was. Out of a whole school, one could not find five boys, or ten, willing to risk a bullet to be a hero? These are not so much younger than lads we sent to boot camp.
Any youth playing hero would have to rely, these days, just on his natural grit. He would get no help from his teachers. He is exposed to no example of real courage, no, not even in the type of fiction said to win awards these days.
The sad fact is young men these days are not taught to be bold. They are taught to hide in a closet when murder boys start shooting up a school.
To be sure, ours are not Spartan youths. Even being a boy, acting like a boy, is likely to get one reprimanded, or put on a regime of mind-dulling medical drugs. Modern education being what it is, I doubt boys in schools these days know what a Spartan is. More important, apparently, to teach them that masculinity is toxic.
And where do you think murder boys come from? Some cultures deter the things that lead to such creatures. Our does not.
It is not poverty, it is not patriarchy, is it not the intact families or families who go to church or pray daily that produce the majority of these psychologically aberrant killers. It is none of the things that is normally named. The cause is deeper.
A youth without a vision of life that makes life meaningful will embrace all fashion of suicidal thoughts, suicidal habits, and suicidal attempts, even suicide by cop.
A certain worldview encourages nihilistic feelings, broken homes, atheism. That is the worldview that looks to nothing higher than worldly things for answers. By no coincidence, that same worldview encourages its partisans to do nothing, vote for nothing, agitate for nothing that would actually solve the problem, or even address the problem.
To them, your pain is their laughter: they never want a good crisis to go to waste. The worse things are in America, the greater their hopes of being voted into power, of being allowed to worm their way into positions of influence, of winning awards and plaudits and peace prizes.
The tears of widows and orphans water their hopes for radially transforming America, their secret hopes for revolution, and their unspoken conviction that prayers should only be spoken to them. They want to be the ones you’ve been hoping for. They want to be the only savior.
When things go well, when life is good, their hopes dwindle, and the enemy grows irate and petulant. When tragedy strikes, they nurse the spark of fervor, and tell themselves that today, finally, the ignorant masses will leave old laws, old faiths, old ways, and place faith only in the them, the intelligentsia, the radicals, the illogical, the resentful, the liars, the degenerates.
They certainly do not want to solve problems, not with common sense solutions, not with any solutions.
Please note that we have bouncers in bars and armed men guarding airports, banks, casinos and jewelry stores. If these requests uttered by weeping children to protect them were honest, they would be asking for protection, not to have their protection removed.
Are our children not more precious to us than jewels and card games, pubs, or airplane rides?
Why do casinos have armed guards, but not schools?
Instead, the schools arranged to have children leave class this week, to go before the cameras of the mass media for well orchestrated and utterly fake political shows, complete with songs, to act out a theatrical advertisement for victim disarmament.
These are the same innocent children all of our arts, customs, laws, works and ways of our civilization are meant to protect. Who asks to have their protectors disarmed? The children are the ones speaking the words, but they are children. Who feeds them the words?
The children are begging Caesar to rob their parents, relations and neighbors of the firearms needed to protect them, both from violent crime, and from a corrupt government overstepping its bonds. They are promising Caesar to be good and loyal slaves, castrated and unable to trouble Him, if only He will take away their hopes of self defense against Him.
They are begging Caesar to trample the flag, unman all men, shred the Constitution, abolish limits to law, and step on their necks.
These poor children, suffering a soul-destroying trauma of seeing classmate butchered before their eyes, are the puppets and mouthpieces being used by the enemy. The weeping babies are begging for their own slavery.
Whose words are these?
The whole affair is cynically orchestrated, of course, using the tried and true propaganda techniques of the Communist Internationale. That the so-called news media is the front group for this media circus merely makes the disgusting hypocrisy and moral foulness all the more disgusting. Using the corpses of our children as battering rams to knock down the walls and defenses surrounding our liberty betrays in gross inhumanity, a reptilian indifference to human suffering, a cold and utter lack of human decency, impossible to overstate.
If the requests were honest, that is, if anyone had a specific provision of law to suggest alleged to have some real effect on the crime rate, then he would make that suggestion reasonably, at a room-temperature voice, with sober purpose in his eyes. He would recite his facts and give his evidence, and ask us to weigh it carefully.
But the facts, at least as far as statistics go, damn his argument. More guns in an area are a predictor of less crime, not more. The areas in the US with the most gun regulations have murder rates higher than anywhere else in Western civilization. When Australia had a buy-back program to remove guns from the Queen’s subjects, the number of home invasions (that is, breaking and entering when the homeowner is present) went up sharply.
The facts are damning. Robbers in lands with gun control prefer to break into homes where lights are on, hoping to find homeowners present, so that wallets, purses and personal effects can be robbed also. Robbers in lands with guns prefer to break into darkened homes, hoping to find no one present, because the homeowner might be armed.
The facts are clear. America has the same number of guns per one hundred people as we had in the 1950’s and 1960’s, and mass shootings at schools were unheard of. Indeed, guns were more prevalent, easier to get, controlled by far fewer regulations. Regulation after regulation since those years have been passed, and enforced with lax and irregular enforcement, and had no measurable effect on gun crime rates. But mass shootings crowd the headlines.
From these facts, certain conclusions follow: attempts to lower the number of guns will not have the desired results. Attempts to pass more gun laws will not have the desired result.
Nothing they say will have the desired result. But if the request were honest, the people allegedly requesting lower gun crime rates would be curious, nay, obsessed with discovering the real causes of crime, the root causes.
In reality, they have not the least interest in discovering the root causes of crime. (And no, it is not poverty. Compare the median income of Alaska and Illinois. A better predictor of violent crime is fatherlessness.) Anyone attempting to bring these causes to their attention is humiliated, silenced, savaged and demonized.
Facts do not fit the narrative.
If the request were honest, it would be taking place on a state and local level, not national. If you live in an area of New York, New York, or Los Angeles, California, for example, where some local restriction or regulation would lower your crime rate, then the people there certainly have the right to bind themselves with any restrictions as may be constitutionally permissible.
But conditions in Wheeling, West Virginia and Dead Horse, Alaska are not the same. The character of the people, the use they make of guns, the crime rates and the whole spirit of the people differs from one place to another. People in West Virginia vote Republican, are hard-working, sober, and honest, and can be trusted with guns. People in Chicago vote Democrat, suffer under the most corrupt local government in the US, and kill each other in droves.
Even if the local conditions were more similar in the two places, nonetheless, the men of Chicago who are unwilling and unable to defend themselves like men certainly have no right to impose their gormlessness on West Virginia, or on any other free citizen of a sovereign state in our federal union of states.
Since the request for more common sense gun laws are not being made at a local level; not being made with regard to facts; not being made in an atmosphere of calm reflection, not being made by persons showing any respect for the dead or any signs of common decency; and are not being in any other case but this one against the tool of the crime rather than the act of the crime; we can conclude that the request is not honest.
It is not honest because the enemy does not wish to save the lives of children.
Do the math. Of the 30,000 yearly gun-related deaths, two thirds are suicides. One tenth of the remainder are under eighteen.
On the other hand, the number of children killed by abortion is 125,000 daily worldwide, and 3,000 abortions daily in the USA. Not yearly. Daily. This is a lowball estimate, since abortion statistics are underreported.
So these weeping, teary-eyed, chin-wiggling, nose-dripping emotional human props you see dangled in front of cameras to spread the request for chains and fetters care so much about children, that they let the same number of children as die yearly from gun homicides die each eleven minutes, if the child is in the womb. Then they sell the organs and body parts for money.
So they do not want the gun crime rate lowered, they want you to be disarmed. They do not want a legally permitted solution, they want you to be disarmed. They do not want to look at the facts and find a rational solution.
They want the problem. They rejoice at the slayings. The blood of the innocent makes them grin their empty skull-like grins, and brings a twinkle to their dead, soulless eyes.
Because they want you to be disarmed.
No one mentions the real reason why these debates, these same talking points, are trotted out in the same order after every notorious mass shooting. No one mentions why no one on either side is convinced.
The convictions are based in faith, not reason. Conservatives have faith in God and believe that Caesar is not God. God gave us our natural rights, including the right to defend ourselves, our homes, our families, our farms and towns and nation. No manmade law may lawfully imposed on that right.
The Left has faith in Caesar. They worship the state, and the power of the state, and they believe, yea, with the faith of an innocent child they believe, that if only the constitutional restrictions were taken off Caesar, then the government could solve all problems, fend off all murder boys, wipe all tears away.
In the past, when weakling conservatives lowered our guard, and we let the worshipers of Caesar erode our gun rights one by one by one, and the crime rate still grew.
These facts cannot shake the childlike faith of the Left.
They think Caesar is messiah, and only Caesar can save. If Caesar does not save us, it is not because Caesar is merely a man (usually a corrupt, morally crippled, foolish, proud and ambitious man) but because more power must be given him. And more, and more, until everything is in the state, and the state is in everything.
If the request for chains and fetters were sincere, if the request to rip up the constitution were well-meant and not false to the pith, if anyone of these remorseless liars actually meant a word they said, they would be discussing the real issue with us, the one issue without which no discussion can progress.
The one issue is this: who is all powerful? Who can save you? Christ or Caesar? Caesar or Christ?
Instead, the discussion is always stuck, always a broken record. All that happens is the theater of politics gets more and more shameless, more and more uncivilized, each go-round, as the enemy grows more and more frustrated.
So when the children all stand before the camera, teary-eyed and foul-mouthed?
It is a lie. It is propaganda. It is meant to silence reason, bury truth, and introduce hysteria.
The hysteria is meant to create an atmosphere of panic and fear.
The hysteria is meant to take power from the people and give power to the mob.
Now, this sounds like a paradox. Surely the people and the mob are the same? No, they are not only not the same, they are opposite. Odd as it sounds, even if the same individuals in the same numbers are gathered in one spot, if they act as people, it is the opposite from when they act as a mob.
Indeed, the whole art and science of politics is the art of protecting the people from the mob.
Here is the difference: when dealing with people, each man sees to his own affairs. He weds his own wife, he raises his own children, he wipes his own nose, his minds his own business, and lives with his own rewards or failures in life. When dealing with people, each man acts in concert with his neighbors to deal with larger problems no man can face alone: invasion and crime, floods, famines, or other public disasters. He gathers in Church for public prayer and worship, and to fashion a vision of life needed to make life livable. The Church traditionally had the role of educating the young, running charities, hospitals, and academia.
But in a mob, each man feels he is unmoored from morality. His dark side can escape, because the numbers of his neighbors all screaming for blood, as he is screaming, hides him from retaliation. The mob thinks it is stronger than justice. The mob outnumbers the police.
The mob recognizes no Church, no Constitution, no limits, no morals. It is beast that lives to destroy what the people have built. The people build a neighborhood; the Fake News lies about a police shooting of a crook; the mob burns down the neighborhood. The people make laws. The mob erects the guillotine.
The mob is the king of all the sons of pride. It rejoices in strength, and it tears the weak to bloody pieces, or whoever its mad rage falls upon.
The conservatives are the people, and we speak the will of the people. The leftwing is the mob. They speak the will of the mob.
The mob hates anything that opposes its power.
We cannot judge the intention of liars by what they say, for what they say is lies. If they fool unexperienced children, shocked and shaken after deep tragedy, into repeating those lies, those lies do not become truth merely when spoken by young, high-pitched, impolite, and ignorant voices.
Civilized men do not take tips on how to run civilization from barbarians; grown men do not take advice on how to carry out the duty to protect the young from infants; polite men do not take hints on courtesy from slatterns, churls, or philistines with sewer mouths; and no one take advice on any topic from academics or intellectuals.
We can judge their intentions by what they do. We can see the pattern in the targets they select, where their billions on propaganda dollars are spent.
What do their intentions betray?
The mob hates anything that opposes its power.
The Left is the mob. They worship power.
Power is a jealous god, and permits no rivals. A man with a gun can defy a mob, especially a cowardly mob. So can a man with an idea, a man with a wife, or a patriot with a dream. A free man with an ideal can defy a mob. So can a baptized Christian, who fears no man on earth, because we fear God in heaven.
Look at the Left. They want you disarmed, because they hate men with guns. They hate ideas, or else they would not riot when speakers are invited to speak on college campuses. They would not invent hate speech laws and undermine free speech if they did not hate ideas. They hate marriage and motherhood, or else they would not support feminism, free love and sexual perversion. They hate patriotism with a white-hot hatred, and burn the flag with gusto. They hate dreams, or else every movie, story, book and show they laud would not be glutted with nihilism. And they hate Christ most of all.
Once you are disarmed, they mean to take these other things away. Your guns, your laws, your way of life, your property, your freedoms. If you think this is an exaggeration, look at life in Soviet Russia, or China under Mao. That is their dream. They want revenge on you.
Revenge for what? For nothing. You are happy. They are not. They blame you.
If a crying child invites you to disarm yourself, he is inviting you to step into the death camp.
In the meanwhile, you can take steps tomorrow, nay, today, to end this trend:
Homeschool your children. This will remove your child from the murder zone and pull them out of the reach of enemy indoctrination.