Not Tired of Winning Yet LXVI
Ready for more good news? Do you like living in America during a time when she is great?
Winning is not all schadenfreude and mocking the Dems and Fakest News as they sink deeper and deeper into filth-bogs of stinking nonsense, pustulating insanity, petulant yet futile temper tantrums, and lasting irrelevance, and then watching them eat their own heads.
It is the joy of the saints watching the arrogant, overbearing, never-earned-anything, smug, unsmiling, fleering and sneering sinners finally wailing and gnashing their teeth in a dark hell of their own making, bound in chains they forged themselves, and locked inside with keys they turned themselves.
That is winning, to be sure, but it is not the whole of winning.
Sometimes winning does not require any loss to any evildoer. It is pure joy. Pure winning.
Pence revealed at the fifth meeting of the National Space Council:
I’m here, on the president’s behalf, to tell the men and women of the Marshall Space Flight Center and the American people that, at the direction of the president of the United States, it is the stated policy of this administration and the United States of America to return American astronauts to the Moon within the next five years.