Dear Culture of Death
An open letter to the Culture of Death:
You are losing your grip on the souls and minds of the innocent, ye death-lovers, and you and all your works will one day soon be gone, and in a generation or two all your lies and grisly horrors be forgotten, save by scholars of abnormal psychology.
Let me anticipate the arguments proffered in favor of mothers killing babies.
First, no, being a male does not mean I have no right to voice any objection to mothers killing babies, since my opposition is based on the fact that my Mother taught me right from wrong.
Second, no, possessing a uterus does not confer a right to maim or kill your child if found inside one, since this is where children come from. Likewise, a husband does not have the right to kill his bride if he finds her inside his bedroom. Killing people is not allowed merely because of their location.
Third, no, a mother does not have the right to choose to kill her child any more than I have a right to choose to kill my rich uncle for the inheritance money.
You do have a right to choose marriage or not marriage, ladies, and if you are performing the act of sexual reproduction with a man not your husband, but have made no provision for caring for the natural offspring that naturally come from the act of sexual reproduction, this wanton immorality and imprudence on your part does not allow you to punish the innocent life you carry with a death penalty.
Fourth, no, it does not rob a mother of any dignity nor honor to forbid her from the most ghastly crime in legend or history. Medea was many things, but honored was not one of them.
Fifth and finally, no, it does not rob women of any power in society, power over themselves or power over their bodies to forbid them from killing their babies. It halts them from a lifetime of regret and an afterlife in the hellfire.
I believe some worshipers of Moloch also claim it is somehow unfair to blacks not to have their generations exterminated by Margaret Sanger style eugenics, but this argument is too absurd to answer.