DemSocs Occupy the Room
“We are safe and we are strong because there is power in collective work…”
“This is what building power looks like…”
Note: it is almost too quick to hear, but the speaker who complains about background chatter introduces himself as “James Jackson, Sacramento, he/his” uttering his preferred pronouns as a suffix to his name.
Those of you unfamiliar with the brand new ancient tradition of deciding each man for himself what pronouns mean and who is allowed to be offended by them, we will have comerade Dumpty, Looking-glass, he/egg, to explain:
I yeild the balance of my time to Ayn Rand, Atlantis, she/her. She is as clear sighted about her prognosis of the disease of collectivism as she is mistaken as to the causes and the theurapy. Her thought rises to the highest level anyone chained and hoodwinked by atheism can reach: if nothing else, she understood the difference between male and female, heroes and villains, reason and folly. Hear her:
“He was seeing the enormity of the smallness of the enemy who was destroying the world. He felt as if, after a journey of years through a landscape of devastation, past the ruins of great factories, the wrecks of powerful engines, the bodies of invincible men, he had come upon the despoiler, expecting to find a giant—and had found a rat eager to scurry for cover at the first sound of a human step. If this is what has beaten us, he thought, the guilt is ours.”
~ Hank Rearden’s thoughts in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged