The Cost of Correctness
Political Correctness is communal falsehood. It is fascism disguised as politeness. Such public falsehood requires elaborate effort to maintain, and requires the mind treat illusions as real, and reality as illusionary. Those so bewitched will flinch at the claws of kittens, but perish petting a grizzly.
The cost is high.
And, meanwhile, the valiant officers of law and order, ignoring the horrors, concentrate on what Political Correctness tells them is a danger more grave:
My comment:
I have been assured, and by voices I trust and respect, that not only is it a Christian duty to accept immigrants into one’s home without regard for their willingness to assimilate nor our ability to naturalize them, but also that the Alcoran of the Mohammedans, their sacred book written in mimicry of our Bible, teaches fidelity to infidel rulers when the faithful are a minority in a nation that is Dar-el-Harb.
Their assurances do not reassure me of the wisdom of extending unending and unlimited hospitality to votaries of a religion historically and theologically inimical to Christian nations.
We Catholics received a chilly reception during past waves of immigration, it is true, mostly from the KKK and other Democrat Party organs.
However, I think history has shown our fanatical devotion to the Pope is no bar to being loyal and productive citizens of an American republic.
By way of contrast, what does the history now being written say of the unhindered immigration from the Near East into Britain?
Meanwhile, in America, we have Mohammedans bombing the Boston marathon, shooting up the Pulse nightclub in Florida, killing coworkers at the Christmas party in San Bernardino.
What, praytell, makes it unchristian or inconsistent with past behavior toward other immigrant groups, to examine carefully whom we wish to have as neighbors, or even to enforce laws currently on the books?
What makes it illogical or untoward to note that this one religion inspires more violence than any other, and noticeably so, and to take this into account when making decisions on immigration policy?
If nothing else, such immigration cannot be allowed if anyone on the Left is charge of law enforcement, for the record shows that they cannot be trusted to protect the native citizens against votaries of the Religion of Submission.