Alt Right Support for Biden
From Newsweek:
White nationalist Richard Spencer has said he will be backing Democratic candidate Joe Biden in November’s election after previously distancing himself from Donald Trump. Spencer, who was one of the key figureheads of the alt-right movement, tweeted how he is “on Team Joe” on Monday, adding in a self-made campaign slogan, “Liberals are clearly more competent.”
In a series of tweets, Spencer further explained his reasoning for backing Biden.
“The MAGA/Alt-Right moment is over. I made mistakes; Trump is an obvious disaster; but mainly the paradigm contained flaws that we now are able to perceive. And it needs to end,” Spencer wrote. “So be patient. We’ll have another day in the sun. We need to recover and return in a new form.”
In another tweet, Spencer added: “I will never flip on my fundamental principles. (My principles were never voting for the supposed ‘the lesser or two evils’ or ‘stopping big government.’) … Walking into certain defeat, even death, is not heroic. It’s foolhardy. I have no sympathy for martyrs. I admire winners.”
For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Spencer, he is an obscure crackpot elevated to fame by the Left, who need him as a boogieman with whom Republicans are meant to be identified and conflated. He has nothing in common with the Right, with Patriots, or with Christians, who do indeed feel sympathy for martyrs, from whose shed blood the only true victory flows.
The Biden campaign, as expected, immediately repudiated the support in somewhat childish language.
My Comment:
When Trump ran, several of my acquaintances who were Alt-Right or White Separatist, or both, rejoiced, thinking Trump would uphold their version of the American ideal.
The problem is, that my Alt-Right acquaintances had to do elaborate mental acrobatics in order to make their particular version of the American Ideal seem compatible with the wording of the founding documents, such as the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution, the Pledge of Allegiance, and wording on the base of the Statue of Liberty.
These including dismissing or denying whole passages of the documents involved, rewriting the meaning of whole passages of history, ignoring the majority of Anglo-American Common Law, and, in one case, rewriting the Gospel to mean the precise opposite of what the word themselves said — or, rather, what the Word Himself said.
In their version, America was designed, from the first, to be an Anglosaxon nation only, and the blessings of liberty were meant only for that generation of colonists who rebelled, and not for the French, Germans, or Spanish, or any other persons of any race.
In their version, the language saying that all men were created equal was not to be taken seriously nor literally.
In their version, the authority under the Constitution granting the Federal government the power to regulate naturalization is null and void. No one from overseas can legitimately nor legally be naturalized.
I am not sure what excuse is used to explain away the Civil War amendments, but the equality of the Negro, and his right to vote, in their version, is also null and void. The Statue of Liberty is dismissed as the filthy product of the French, and the words on her base are the filthy product of a Jew.
Also, there was a naturalization bill written in the Eighteenth Century, overruled before a decade had passed, which specified that Indian natives were not citizens, even if living within the boundaries of a given state, which meant … I am not sure whether the argument is worth repeating at this point. The absurdity and illogic of this kind of thinking is clear enough, even to those with no understanding whatsoever of the Spirit of America.
The poor Alt-Right seemed blithely unaware that Trump’s understanding of the American Spirit was not the same as theirs, indeed, was the opposite.
It was as if the Alt-Right could hear the dog whistles of racism which the Mainstream Media, also called MiniTru, delights to autohallucinate were inaudibly present in each word Trump uttered, and so, like the MiniTru, the Alt-Right disregarded what Trump actually said, and thought he was saying something more in keeping with their views.
This is, again, a Leftwing practice. See, for example, Obama’s or Clinton’s opposition to homosex marriage in the days before each embraced, adored, and bowed the knee to the gods of Sodom.
The Alt-Right argument is not to be dismissed without a hearing. Let me give what I hope is a fairminded account of their position: the logic, in so far as it goes, is sound.
(Please note that I limit these remarks to Alt-Right of my acquaintance, or whose words I have read. The movement, albeit tiny, is not a monolith, and there may be many a man of them to whom my remarks to do not apply. I just do not want to have to type the phrase “my Alt-Right acquaintances of whom I have personal knowledge” over and over again.)
The argument is that the Left have won victory after victory encountering no opposition for generations. The Conservative has never conserved anything. Hence Leftwing tactics are unstoppable and should be adopted, including the tactic of dismissing the concept of legal equality for all with howls and sneers of contempt. Life has always had hierarchies: there is no reality outside of the brutal Darwinian power struggle between identity groups. Peace between the identity groups is neither possible nor desirable.
The only question is who is to be atop the crown of the heap. The Alt-Right say it must be the White race (by which I think they mean European admixtures of the several European races in American, not including Spaniards). Whether the lesser races are to be robbed of the privileges granted by Affirmative Action ( a cause many on the Old-Fashioned Right would join them) or are to be separated by ghetto and reservation and miscegenation laws, or to be exiled, or sold to Arabs as slaves, or exterminated as vermin, was left vague, and seemed to differ with different speakers.
The modern SJW Left holds that Whites must be punished for being White, and removed from their position as the highest caste of a patriarchy heteronormative caste system all we unwoke are all unaware we are living under and tacitly supporting.
The Alt-Right differs from the Right in this regard: the Right says this alleged caste system in an imaginary boogieman of Leftwing hallucination, and so nothing need be done to abolish it, any more than unicorn hunters need be gathered to hunt down evil unicorns.
The Right does not say there is no hierarchies in society. We simply say ours is not a caste system, that is, not a hierarchy based on bloodline descent from conqueror versus conquered. Whatever hierarchy naturally emerges among free men, due to their inequalities of talent and wealth and, yes, luck, no matter what its other drawbacks, the social order in America is not a hierarchy artificially created and maintained by law.
Contrariwise, the Alt-Right says the caste system exists, is created by innate racial differences, and the Whites should retain their position at its peak by any means necessary, or otherwise the blacks, acting in unison, will rise up and murder us in our beds and take our women.
The Alt-Right differs from the Right in one more regard: the Alt-Right admires and imitates the practices and habits of Social Justice Warriors, on the grounds that falsehood, absurd falsehoods, psychological projection and personal attacks, are far more pragmatic and effective than truth and virtue in the political sphere.
In sum, the SJW Leftwing are collectivists and racists who hate America, whereas the Alt-Right are collectivists and racists who hate America. While, at first, this seems like precisely the same thing, the races these two factions select as the oppressed class and the oppressor class are reversed from each other. The two factions both hate America, but each hates America for opposite reasons. But both factions agree to hate and blame the Jew.
The SJWs hate conservatives and call us racists, but the Alt-Right hates conservatives because we are not racist enough, and calls us fools, sleepwalkers, or Quislings.
These behaviors are not calculated to win friends and influence people. By substituting name-calling for reasoning, reasoning stops, and democracy becomes impossible.
For example, the writer Sarah Hoyt, born overseas, once commented that she, even before becoming a citizen, was American in spirit. For this, my Alt-Right acquaintances, leaving logic and civility behind, roundly mocked and belittled the woman, libeling libels with the same energy and same reckless disregard for the truth as their SWJ counterparts.
The Alt-Right claim was that to be American meant to be Anglo-Saxon, regardless of one dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights, &c. Moreover they claimed that being a dedicated these propositions did not make you an American, had nothing to do with America, and that no legal naturalization process could make you an American.
The Alt-Right dismissed with contempt these ideas, using some invented slangy term or jargon to mischaracterize them. This was a halting attempt to mimic what the Left does expertly when they coin Orwellian terms to disguise their meaning. I call the attempt halting because I cannot remember the jargon slogan coined to make the American Spirit seem like a contemptible thing opposite to their idea of “True” nationalism, that is, Anglo-Ethnonationalist Americanism. Propositional Nation? Dedication Nation?
In any case, the Alt-Right logic was that, since Mr Trump did not follow the typical Left narrative about race being the sole determinant of human dignity, of legal privilege, of everything, therefore Mr Trump favored the brand-new and original Alt-Right idea about race being the sole determinant of human dignity, of legal privilege, and of everything.
I warned them at the time Donald Trump neither said or supported anything even remotely White Separatist or White Nationalist. Indeed, all this rhetoric was unambiguously opposite.
For the opposite of a racist is not, as the Left say, another kind of racist. For the Left, the opposite of a racist is one who supports Affirmative Action, race quotas, representation, inclusion, diversity.
In reality, the opposite of a racist is a non-racist. The opposite of a racist is a man who judges others on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
A nationalist from a European nation is an understandable thing. European nations were founded by tribal, linguistic, and cultural groups after the Fall of the Empire. European nations justified and bound together solely by those tribal, linguistic, and cultural bonds, were and of necessity had to be enthocentric states. The English could allow a certain small minority of foreigners to live among them, but the laws and customs had to stay English and be English in order for England to be England. History allows for no other conclusion.
Likewise for Japan. If Japan allows non-Japanese to enter the nation, they will no longer be Japanese. One cannot become Japanese merely by learning the language and worshipping the gods of Shinto, respecting and following the other customs and practices of Japan.
The sad testament of history is that states either must be small, and of one language and people, springing from a common ancestral decent, like the Jews springing from Abraham, or the Romans from Romulus, or must be an Empire, where a strong central government imposes peace by the sword on a servile population of conquered tribes and nations, as in China today, or Britain or Rome in days past.
America is an exception. She is a federation of several states, legally independent of each other, bound together not by conquest, but by the dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
Unlike Japan, any man from any quarter of the globe, if he comes here, learns our language, dedicates himself to the proposition that all men are created equal, loves our nation, and adopts our civic customs regarding holidays, baseball, hotdogs and so on, can be and will be an American no less than my wife, whose family had an ancestor on the Mayflower herself.
To become an American by law requires going through the naturalization process. But, like joining a Church, one precondition for that naturalization is vowing the affirmation of the proposition to which America, and hence all her citizens, are bound. There is a Spirit of America as well as a legal naturalization of American needed to become, body and soul, an American.
It is indeed unfortunate that there is nothing like an Inquisition or Excommunication to deny communion to Americas who fall into heresy, and deny the proposition all Americans by definition take as dogma — but, to be fair, before the current generation, no such policing of thought and sentiment was needed.
In the older days, the Leftists were liberals, that is, a faction who agreed to the proposition, but feared the accumulation of power in the hands of the wealthy. But they were American liberals. They wanted to change the Constitution only expand it.
They were not the modern Left, who, as collectivists, hold that legal status and privilege is determined by birth, and that all men are not created equal. In this, they once again are mimicked by the Alt-Right, who differ from them only in a dispute over which race should get the advantage of which legal privilege.
The matter is made more complicated by the fact that the Social Justice Left holds blacks to have no legal privileges, set asides, or quotas funneling plunder and opportunities to them based on birth, whereas, in reality, they are the sole minority who does.
So in their debates, much confusion is caused by the SWJs saying both the opposite of what they mean, and the opposite of the truth.
The Alt-Right has this one distinguishing feature making them less dishonest that their mirror images on the SJW Left: at least most of them are White, and so are not engaged in open hypocrisy when they advocate unequal laws favoring whites — albeit I know of at least one exception.
The SJW Left are racists, usually middle class White Liberals or ultraweatlhy white plutocrats, who hate their own race, hate their own nation, and hate the God who made them. The Alt-Right are racists who favor their own race.
The Alt-Right ask a question that cannot be brushed away unanswered: if Black lives matter, and Blacks should have Black pride, why not say White lives matter, and say that Whites should have White pride?
Europe has done more for human happiness than all the other continents combined — is that statement in any serious dispute? Why is this not a source of pride for the Sons of Europe?
The Alt-Right ask one other question to ponder: if race war is at hand, and if it only takes one side to declare and wage such a war, merely the fact that the black rioters identify the whites, all whites, as their enemy, then whites should and must band together as a race, for their own self-protection, if nothing else — what else can be done?
If their axiom were correct, I would admit the logic of the question to be unanswerable.
If, on the other hand, what is being called a race war is actually something else, then the conclusion does not follow. Myself, I see an abundance of palefaces among Antifas brownshirts, and I hear of funding and support from secular ex-Jews like George Soros and secular ex-Catholics like Joe Biden. Hence, I draw a rather different conclusion as to who wages this war, and what it means.
Alas, I warned my Alt-Right acquaintances that Trump would break their hearts. I saw his speeches, and I knew what he said, and I knew he meant to try to win black votes from the Democrat machine.
The Alt-Right could not fathom this as possible, and, to this day, call the act of calling out the Dems as the real racists as a sign of purest folly. For them, it is not possible to garner black votes, because, as with the Left they mimic, they think race is no the sole, singular, and overriding characteristic. Like the Left, they think Black Conservatives are fools and race-traitors.
It was only after Trump was elected that the Alt-Right supporting him began to denounce conservatives as fools and race-traitors, and mocking the ideals on which America is based, apparently without realizing that Trump always supported the same vision of America that conservatives, and, in my youth, the pre-SJW Leftwing in America, at that time supported: a vision of unity from many sources, E Pluribus Unum, which necessitates a union based on a shared affirmation of the proposition of equality of the rights of man, not a union based on race, and certainly not based on a notion of racial inequality.
America has a spirit, and there are indeed some from overseas who understand the spirit of America, who, in effect, are American, more American than some nativeborn Americans who bow the knee to spirits alien to America, and are American in name only.
Mr. Trump is a politician who understands and loves that spirit.
Trump was always one of us, Mr Spenser. He was never one of you.