Dems No Longer Under God
The Democrats are no longer in any nation under God.
From CBN News
…. the words, “under God” were left out of the Pledge of Allegiance at least twice at public meetings during the Democratic National Convention.
AJ Durrani, the moderator for the DNC’s Muslim Delegates & Allies Assembly, left the words out as their meeting got underway … speakers at the virtual meeting included DNC Chairman Tom Perez, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib.
Separately, at the LGBT Caucus Meeting, Dr. Marisa Richmond, a DNC delegate who identifies as transgender … led the Pledge of Allegiance but paused silently in the place of the words, “under God.” She was holding both the American flag and the gay pride flag, which dropped to the floor in the middle of the pledge.
From the Washington Times
At least two caucus meetings at this week’s Democratic National Convention began with recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance that omitted the phrase “under God.”
Two videos posted online — one of the person kicking off a Muslim meeting, and the other starting an LGBT meeting — showed the Pledge being recited incompletely.
My comment: Please note that these are not outliers, but the core and soul of mainstream Leftwing Progressivism. It is the Party movers and shakers on their nationwide political convention.
I leave to others to debate whether the mask of hypocrisy of the Dems is being so casually and imprudently tossed aside because they imagine their victory is absolute — merely one among many of their beliefs which are not merely false, but the diametric opposite of truth — or because their hatred and thirst for revenge against all things normal, hale, and sacred has finally over-toppled what little faculty of reason their irrational philosophy left to them.
Rejoice. This is their death knell.
When the Sons of Abraham forsook the Lord which led them out of Egypt, and whored after strange gods, the shaking sword shattered in Israel’s girlish grip, and Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Alexander, and Caesar swept over them.
Neither can these paynim, perverts, pedophiles, pagans and patrons of Jeffrey Epstein, prevail against the Silenced Majority.
I do not foresee any easy fray. The battle is bitter. I do foresee triumph.
Those same strange gods are abroad today: Moloch, god of infanticide, drinks the blood of children at your local abortion mill. Mammon, god of greed, is now called redistribution or reparation. Asmodeus, lord of harlots, is now called sexual liberty. Belial to whom impurity, intoxication and wrath are sacred. He is the god of recreational drugs as well as of recreational rioting.
Their idols will not save them. The things thus worshipped have neither eyes to behold nor ears to heed, nor can reach out any hand to save.
The strumpet Fortune, which the seculars adore as the goddess called History — on whose Right Side all victory is born, or so they say — has no power to save. To her they will cry in vain, and the promises of their false prophets, Marx and his Lightworkers, will fall silent in shame, proud tongues numb.