A Question from Man to Machine
I propose this question to any reader who would care to answer:
Let us grant for the sake of argument that complex biological organisms, such as two year old girls abducted by slavetraders, and complex artifacts with moving part, such as motorized bicycles, are members of the same category, and can be called by the same word.
Is it morally wrong to dismember and kill a two-year girl-child for money? That is, assuming the slavemaster who owns the young child hired you lawfully.
Likewise, is it morally wrong to dismantle and destroy a two-year old motorized bicycle for money? That is, assuming the owner who owns the motor-bicycle hired you lawfully.
The slave girl is a member of the set that includes both living organisms and artifacts with moving parts. Likewise, the motor-bicycle is a member of the set that includes both living organisms and artifacts with moving parts.
Therefore the moral rules which apply to one apply to the other, do they not? We have agreed to use one word to refer to both topics. Therefore the moral rules which apply to one apply to the other, do they not?
If not, why not?