The One Murder Policy
A reader with the royal but hibernian name of Kingmcdee comments:
Even this very day I saw a Malthusian Prophet in a Youtube comments section proclaiming that resources are being exhausted at terrifying pace and that every country in the world needed to implement a One-Child Policy for several generations in the name of humanitarianism. He countered every accusation of draconian tyranny by wailing about how the alternative was so much worse.
This is one of the few issues where I put my Vulcan training aside, and turn into a passion-driven beast, restrained by weakest scruples from bloody murder.
My fatherly instincts are provoked.
My daughter was abandoned by her biological father, not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times. Only on the fourth try was she left, dolly in hand and all worldly possessions in her knapsack, with no one to feed her and no place to sleep, in an empty area far enough away from her home that the police could not find her point of origin and return her. The previous three attempts had been within the same province of China, and police could discover her identity and address.
She was not a babe in arms at this time. She remembers. But the family wanted a boy. So she had to go.
That is the expected result of the one child policy in China. Those who do not expect such results are worse than self-deluded.
I hear that, even after it was officially rescinded, and two children were allowed, or more, that the official were unwilling to stop enforcing it.
Yes, you heard that correctly. The Chinese officials wanted to continue to enforce the policy even after it was no longer a policy.
Why? Bribery.
The willingness of young mothers to pay or to do anything possible, in order to avoid mandatory abortions, rendered the field of bribery most lucrative.
And, as per Maoist doctrine, the elimination of brotherhood throughout China, so that no man had a brother, uncle or nephew, eliminated the family as a possible source of loyalty separate from loyalty to Mao.
The degree to which the bonds of family, from the time of Confucius onward, were regarded as paramount and sacred in China need no emphasis from me.
The only time I was ever tempted to leap across a table and strangle a man to death with my bare hands was the time when, having just returned from China with my teenaged daughter, whom I had saved from a life without any family only by the smallest deadline — less than a month before her birthday — when a longhaired slack-faced yammerhead expressed his support for the one child policy, in theoretical terms.
At the time, I thought it was proper and right to explain, in concrete terms, what it would mean for his theory of drastic population reduction to be put into practice. On him.
Yes, I would have gone to jail, and yes, there may be a death penalty in some states.
But I would have considered that a fair trade: I would have been doing my part, in my own small way, to eliminate overpopulation, and save the planet.
It would have been wrong and sinful according to the wise and stern principles of Christian teaching and civilized law, true. But both the Darwinians who favor eugenics, and pseudo scientific “selfish gene” theorists would have blessed my effort, not to mention the dead-eyed Malthusians, and death-cult followers of Ehrlich, Global Cooling-Warming-Change alarmists, greenfreaks and human exterminationists of all sides of the political spectrum, from the neurotics of the Near Left, to the psychotics of the Far Left.
The Malthusian rule is simple: You first. If you honestly think the lifeboat is overburdened, jump into the waves and drown.
You do not get to pitch my daughter, my princess, into the sea.
No doubt your fellow cultists of eco-fascism will honor your sacrifice by eating your corpse, Soylent Green style.