Choosers of the Slain, Event Relic 1, The Time was Autumn
Note that this tale first appeared in Clockwork Phoenix, ed. Mike Allen, Norilana Books (July, 2008), CITY BEYOND TIME Tales of the Fall of Metachronopolis (anthology) Castalia House (June, 2014)
It is reprinted in ALL MEN DREAM OF EARTHWOMEN AND OTHER AEONS, and made available here in preview, as a courtesy to my readers.
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Choosers of the Slain, Event Relic 1, The Time was Autumn, is now posted.
The Curator of the Museum of Man demurs from releasing the date, or other temporal coordinate information, from the depiction of these events, as it is not verified whether, as of the last redaction of the aeon in question, they remain in a state of Shroedinger-waveform uncertainty.
All that is known is that the time was autumn.