Voice of Reason 24: The Debate is Over
Voice of Reason posts the next installment of the Last Crusade oration: Last Crusade 24 The Debate is Over.
The Last Crusade takes up arms against a fallen world. The Enemy silences opposition by leveling false accusations. First is the accusation that any opposing argument is defying settled authority, hence is rude, unscientific, out-of-touch, hence need not be answered.
Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLh7XYUt3neEYgSZELb_htbfNWMu05NnE2
Cross Posted: https://rumble.com/v15nad0-last-crusade-24-the-debate-is-over.html
Merchandise: https://www.zazzle.com/the_last_crusade_t_shirt-235974178484911432