Mary Sue’s Journey
Poets serve the truth.
What someone graced by the muse (or driven near to insanity by her, as the case may be) is use the awkward net of human speech to capture the slippery and elusive sea-fairy of truth. Now, as with all sea-fairies, once she is baptized, she sheds her fish tail and becomes mortal, and fertile, and can wed and bear children like other women: so truth begets truths. But to catch her is impossible, for the truths sought by poets are ineffable. Poets put into words what cannot be put into words, so a host stage-magic tricks are used, misdirection, metaphor, allusion, illusion, and so on, to try to capture the uncapturable.
The archenemy of the poet is the propagandist.
He hates and shuns the truth, because his mission is to spred the Big Lie, that is, the false worldview or stream of boring excuses necessary to justify whatever crimes against humanity or sins against heaven, large or small, his particular heresy encourages. In the modern day, the major heresy is cultural Marxism, a type of mutant gnostic death-cult called Wokeness, the crimes are sexual exploitation and mutilation of children, and the sins are sodomy, adultery, fornication, contraception and divorce.
Gnostics both encourage sexual liberation and an impure version of strict puritanism. That is why they can both urge lust in the form of harlotry, called ‘sex work,’ and demand it be legalized, but at the same time condemn lust in the form of the ‘male gaze’ and demand men pretend not to be attracted to nubile and fertile young women, but instead to obese women and to transvestites.
This paradox is resolved when one realizes that it is only normal, happy, and joyful sexual copulation they oppose, namely, the marriage bed of a couple faithful to each other, lifelong partners, both virginal beforehand. The only form of sexual attraction the gnostics applaud is coupling that is unchaste or sterile: men with men, men with children, men with animals, and so on. But under no circumstances is the woman allowed to be happy or take joy in her husband, nor to love and obey him, nor bear him children. Only unhappy sex, miserably and meaningless, the sex of sluts or of sterile perverts, is lauded and allowed.
Now, one might be wondering how any propagandistic lie would be perpetrated that is so obviously illogical, blatantly false and self-destructive as to tell women to hate being women. The answer is to use the same tools the poet uses, but in the opposite way: to portray a falsehood by misdirection, call evil good and good evil, and to use metaphorical language, symbols, and so on, but merely to have all the symbols be false.
Joseph Campbell proposed that many myths and folk tales contained elements of a Hero’s Journey which had a symbolic relation to the basic psychology of problem solving, dealing with grief or victory, coming of age, and other eternal verities of the human condition. While, in this writer’s opinion, he overstated the case, he did identify common elements which make stories of a certain type wise and good, at times rising to the level of eternal verity about the human condition.
Likewise, various internet wags and wits have identified the elements of the Heroine’s Journey, which are the self-imposed limitation of modern Hollywood screenwriting which make stories foolish and dull, at times falling to the level of being a psychopathological falsehood about the human condition, unseemly to to see, and disgusting to smell.
First. The patriarchy is real. The female protagonist is oppressed by it. This is not optional.
Second. She is already the key to a better world. She has all the skills she’ll need, inherently. She’s the Avatar, you just got to deal with it!
Third. Her biggest challenge isn’t defeating the antagonist, it’s defeating disbelief in her. Men, in particular, won’t believe she is as amazing as she really is.
Fourth: She is better than any male mentor figure. There is nothing that she can be taught by a man regardless of his age, experience, or expertise. The guidance he gives is just another example of mansplaining and must be shot down hard by her. If there is a male mentor then he is the first man that must be defeated.
Fifth: She enters a new world that forces her to prove herself.
Sixth: She escapes the patriarchy and breaks the chains that held her back, usually by confronting her true male oppressor.
Seventh: She is briefly overwhelmed but then bounces back. This is where she levels up her already enormous power.
Eighth: She defeats her true male oppressor.
Ninth: She is now an independent woman who will never need a man. She must continue her journey alone, without love, without husband, without children. All such things would hold her back from self-actualization.
Tenth: She realizes self-actualization and apotheosis. More to the point, she was always a goddess in disguise, and just needed to overcome her self-doubt, in order to prove how awesomely amazing she always was herself.
Thou art God, O goddess. There is no one like unto you in earth or heaven. Your eyes are open, knowing good and evil, and being a law unto yourself.
This list of requirements was generated from an examination of the various Mary Sue characters replacing male counterparts in any number of vandalized film and television franchises, now ruined.
Examples include Michael [sic] Burnham replacing Spock; Female Dr. Who; Female Ghostbusters; Rey Palpatine replacing Luke Skywalker; She-Thor for Thor; Sylvie for Loki; Agent Carter for Captain America; She-Hulk for Hulk; Riri for Iron Man; Shuri for Black Panther; Kate Bishop for Hawkeye; Layla for Moon Knight; colored Ms. Marvel for white Ms. Marvel aka female Captain Marvel for Captain Marvel.
None of them undergo suffering or overcome obstacles: no one is a 4f given an experimental strength serum, or blames himself for having the deaths of Uncle Ben or Uncle Owen or Aunt Beru, or fights a gorilla-tribe warlord on the brink of a waterfall for the kingship. None need training.
In gnostic theory, God is false and creation is an evil deception, but the true divinity is you and your own wonderful self. Pride is not a sin but a necessity in order to achieve your throne in heaven. Hence only steps needed to overcome heaven and creation, is to enflame one’s pride, see one’s own inner glory, and claim one’s rightful godhood.
The parallel to the Heroine’s Journey is not coincidence. Wokeness is cultural Marxism, and Marxism is secular Gnosticism.
These steps are nothing short of a mockery of the Hero’s Journey, which parallels the Passion of Christ. These steps are the Self-Actualization of Antichrist. And it is a satanic mockery.
“The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don’t think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined and twisted them…”