Unhumanity Part IV: The Seven Headed Hydra
This is continued from previous columns. Civilizational suicide arose in the era of Napoleon, the so-called Age of Reason, as the main aim of intellectuals. Their doctrines are defended by gaslighting and cry-bullying, attacks both verbal and physical.
This is because the intellectuals promote a theosophical vision currently called Wokeness, but rightly called Witchcraft.
Philosophically, the Woke are nihilistic antinomians, who reject truth, virtue, beauty, law and logic. Theologically, they are narcissists and satanists.
Their dogmas represent the wholesale rejection of philosophy in favor of prehistoric and esoteric magical thinking. The current manifestation of this ancient and recurring cult goes by many names.
1. The Masks of Nothingness
Every incarnation of “Wokeness” shares essential philosophical axioms and theological dogmas in common, namely, the same axioms and dogmas as Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, and Alchemy. All involve the magical thinking that conflates symbol with reality, or, in other words, Witchcraft.
Like some many-headed devil-god of the East, these are one spirit, but incarnated as different avatars. The same ravening wolf changes his woolen sheep-coat as seasons and fashions change.
Different as they may seem, all spring from same philosophy, or, rather, antiphilosophy, because it is nihilistic mysticism. They incarnate the same theology, or, rather, anti-theology, because it is blasphemous narcissism.
This unit is not apparent at first glance. Hegelianism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Sexual Liberation, Feminism, Intersectionality, Gender Ideology, Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Climate Panic, Globalism, and the Great Reset, seem to be diverse viewpoints, concerned with diverse objects.
Surely Hegel was a philosopher, dealing with metaphysics; while Marx was an economist, dealing with social justice. Feminism deals with male and female social roles and relations; Gender ideology advocate normalizing sexual aberration. Critical Race Theory deals with race relations and police reform. Diversity advocates equal outcomes be bestowed by quota on minorities.
The degree to which human industrial activity and population growth has negative side-effects on the world climate is a scientific matter, while enacting ecological policies to mitigate such side-effects is a political matter. Globalism addresses practical questions of international trade and order. The Great Reset is an exercise in social engineering and mass psychology, advocating fundamental changes in international law.
Metaphysics, economics, sexual roles, sexual perversion, race relations, race quotas, climatology, ecology, the new world order, global geopolitics: all these seem varied indeed, each its own domain.
But a closer examination will reveal the underlying unity.
Here, we will address only the first seven heads of the many-headed Beast, that is, the economic, cultural, and race-war aspects: Hegelianism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, the Sexual Revolution, Gender Ideology, Critical Race Theory, Diversity.
To be explored later column are the three more openly political aspects of the Beast; namely, Climate Panic, Globalism, and the Great Reset.
2. The Prisca Theologia
Earlier, we discussed the philosophy and theology of Witchcraft. One more element merits mention, namely, that of syncretism.
Metaphysics includes rational inquiry into the source and nature of reality, that is, of being in and of itself; logic inquires into the nature of formal reasoning; epistemology, of truth; ethics, of virtue; politics, of law; aesthetics, of beauty; theology, of the divine.
The metaphysics of witchcraft are nihilism; the logic is irrationalism; the epistemology is mysticism; the ethics are relative; aesthetics are subjective; politics are antinomian; and the theology is narcissism.
Theology includes theodicy, soteriology, anthropology, teleology.
The theodicy of witchcraft blames the God for Man’s evil, for evil is created when God emanates penumbral reflections, world-mind and world-maker, archangel, angel and man, each more impure than the last. The soteriology proposes a conspiracy-theory cosmos where salvation comes by rebellion against heaven. The anthropology is narcissistic, claiming godhood, but unearned, uncaused and effortless, because each soul contains a divine spark or shard undigested from creation. The teleology is collectivist pantheism, as the goal of being is extinction of the individual into the pleroma, that is, into a pantheistic and undifferentiated unity of godhead.
Or, in short, the theodicy of emanation is Hermetic; the soteriology of rebellion is Gnostic; the anthropology of amnesiac god-shards is Alchemical; the teleology of the Pleroma is Neoplatonic.
Calling witch-logic irrationalism does not mean merely that their statements contradict themselves. It means witch-logic holds the tenet that all logic operates by a synthesis of contradictions. In the modern day, this is called Hegelian dialectic. It is, in fact, a mystical tenet that the clash of mutual contradictions somehow engender or evolve into combinations reconciling and clarifying both.
This in turn is based on a tenet that the Victorian theosophists inherited from medieval Hermeticists who inherited it in turn from the Neoplatonists, that all beliefs are distorted reflections of a single truth or single philosophy, that all religions are a distorted reflection of a single religion. For this reason, theosophy is syncretic, adopting elements from all religions, and adapting itself to any.
This is a crucial element of the esoteric tradition: Hermeticists called this Prisca Theologia, the doctrine that a single, true theology exists, that it exists in all religions. The ancient theosophists held that this prime theology existed in the golden age of the past, when all men were in direct communion with the godhead. Modern theosophy holds this prime theology is the end-result of an evolutionary dialectic currently in motion. It does not yet exist, but it will, once the godhead reaches the results of its dialectic.
This belief in a Prisca Theologia to come, not yet present, has no name, but for convenience we can call it Convergence, as it theorizes that all differences of opinion will eventually be reconciled, through evolution or through the dialectic of history, into one single pristine school of thought, as man enters Oneness, either with the Absolute, or with Utopia.
An examination of our list of various modern incarnations of Woke theosophy, will show these same elements recurring, namely, nihilism, irrationalism, mysticism, relativism, subjectivism, antinomianism, narcissism. Finally, all follow the doctrine of syncretism, the belief in a convergence of all faiths and worldviews, even those directly contrary to each other, into one.
They follow directly from their ancient incarnations of Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Alchemy, Neoplatonism. The elements at the heart of all are the same.
The Beast has a one heart, but multiple heads.
3. The Seven Headed Beast
3.1. Hegel
The grand tradition of philosophical dialogue reaching back to Plato and Aristotle had reached a peak with Thomism, reconciling ancient philosophy with Christian theology in a paradigm of pristine logic. Logic was abandoned by medieval Nominalists who rejected the notion of objective ideas. Nominalism holds that ideas are manmade, merely accretions placed in arbitrary sets for convenience. This requires all knowledge to be experiential or empirical. But if all knowledge is empirical, knowledge itself cannot exist, and philosophy is in vain. To this dead end the grand dialogue was led by Hume, who concluded that since philosophy was in vain, it were better to play backgammon.
Hegel took up his pen to dissent from the radical skepticism of Hume. However, since he unwilling to reject the empiricist axioms of Hume, Hegel was unable to formulate a philosophy able to avoid the absurd conclusions of Hume. Nor did he.
Hegel’s so-called philosophy is mysticism spoken in philosophical terminology: but no attempt at using reason to define, to analyze, to explain, to persuade, that is, no philosophical reasoning, is present in Hegelian writings. No ratiocination is present. His conclusions are presented as oracular utterances.
Hegel is properly understood as a student of Boehme, a mystic, rather than as a dissenter from Hume, a philosopher.
Jacob Boehme was a German metaphysician and Christian mystic, of the 1600’s. He was influenced by Neoplatonist and alchemical writers such as Paracelsus, and, in turn he influenced Mme Blatavsky and Hartmann, the founders of Theosophical Societies in England and Germany. His ideas are firmly within the esoteric tradition, which he passed along.
All knowledge, Boehme holds, is the union of opposites; nothing exists without its counterpart. No positive truth can be affirmed till its negative is also realized. In other words, he holds there is no good without evil, no God without a world of pain and suffering, which He creates as imperfect in order to make Himself perfect by contrast.
Boehme preached that God can only reveal Himself to us by going out of Himself; and the world is simply the self manifestation of the Divine.
Theologically, this reflects the theosophistical elements of a soteriology assigning God blame as the author of human evil; Boehme’s writing reflects the Hermeticist theory of creation by emanation, namely, that the world is an extension of God, including man, who contain sparks of the divine; the idea that opposites contain truths only revealed when, in apparent contradiction of the laws of logic, both are affirmed in unity is a core belief of Hermeticist teleology.
Only in assigning Christ the role of Savior does this heretic provide his own individual flourish to what is otherwise entirely traditional esoteric Hermeticism. But even this flourish is an example of syncretism, which is a core belief of the esoteric tradition.
The philosophical stance requires an abandonment of logic, and encourages the obscure and elliptical language of metaphors and riddles favored by magicians and mystics of all ages.
Boehme would be largely forgotten, were it not for his influence on his most famous epigone, Hegel, who adopted these witchcraftian notions and forged them into an esoteric philosophy, or, rather, a antiphilosophy.
Hegel is often mistaken for a philosopher for the same reason Marx is often mistaken for an economist. Like atheists writing about religion, the system of Marx, if adopted, would abolish economics; so, too, does Hegel abolish philosophy. They are both writing on their respective topics. It is merely that both are writing to abolish the topic.
Hegel’s motto is “That which is rational is real and that which is real is rational.” All reality is the expression of reason and all being the realization of thought. The world itself is the evolution of the thinking Spirit.
This cryptical remark can be interpreted variously, but its most obvious mystical meaning is to abolish the distinction between symbol and reality. This is a core Witchcraft principle.
The theory of emanation is also found in Hegel, merely stated in cryptical terms:
The world-mind as exhibited on the plane of history, is equally with the individual mind, under the necessity of passing through the same stages. Knowledge consists in the re-reading of experience. It is for each of us the thinking of God’s thoughts after Him.
The Absolute exists first in the form of pure, pre-existent idea. It descends into the unconscious spheres of nature; it awakes to consciousness in man, realizes itself in the social institutions of the world, and finally in art, religion, and science, enriched and completed, it returns into itself again. Philosophy is a development the highest product and goal of the world process.
Sensation, feeling, willing, are but lower forms of thought, each of which is necessary to and contained in that which is higher. Morality, art, and religion are stages in the progress of humanity towards the attainment of absolute knowledge.
Likewise, the eschatology of reabsorption into the Pleroma is restated in cryptical terms:
Naturally, once absolute knowledge is attained, philosophy, as well as the stages of morality, art and religion leading up to it, are abolished and superseded into the next stage, which is the re-absorption of self and society into the Absolute, as theory and practice, morality and sin, matter and spirit, all are reunified, and man becomes god who becomes man, creator and created as one.
The theory of emanation is Hermetic theodicy, blaming the nature of God for giving rise to evil: Hegel shares this element with Boehme. Also shared with Boehme the idea of divinity found in all things, which all issue from the Absolute. This idea is Alchemical, albeit the dismissal of logic in affirming contradictory opposites is pure mysticism. The eschaton when all creation is reabsorbed back into the Absolute from which we sprung is Neoplatonic.
Only in affirming the state as the source of the drive to shape the souls of men, but also the source of their discontent, does Hegel deviate from orthodox theosophy. He does not, as a Gnostic does, recommend antinomianism, the imperative to violate all norms of law and custom.
Influenced by the evolutionary conceits popular at the time, as was Darwin, Hegel sees the struggles between man, the world-spirit, and the state as periodic, not continuous. Evolution is always toward the Absolute, which is God. Evolution, in this sense, is the opposite of emanation. In the emanation creating the cosmos, each successive reflection or offspring of the previous stage was more corrupt and impure; the evolution back toward the Absolute, each state overcomes the flaws and contradiction of the former. Hegel holds the new stage, not yet having reached the Absolute, ergo still imperfect, must contain contradictions and flaws that will clash in agitation over time, birthing a crisis, a clash of thesis and antithesis, whose outcome is a synthesis, a harmonious admixture of previously opposite elements, now purged. Each new synthesis purges the evils endemic to the last.
Hence, the antinomianism of Hegel is periodic rather than perennial. The goal is not to overthrow God, the Absolute, but to become God by a mutual evolution that eventually abolishes all distinction.
Please note that this is unlike, if not opposite, of the orthodox Christian notion of achieving unity with God by means of baptism, communion, justification through the Son, adoption by the Father, and so on. This orthodox notion proposes God to be an eternal and supreme being, perfect and unchanging, from which wayward mankind strayed and to which he is returned.
The Hegelian notion of the Absolute, like the blasphemous notion of Boehme that God is imperfect and must create evil in order to discover His own goodness, posits that the Supreme Being exists only in the future, once all dialectic and evolution has consummated itself.
3.2. Marxism
That Marxism is the materialistic version of Hegel’s spiritual theory of evolution, he himself says in so many words. It otherwise shares all the essential characteristics.
Marx held that Man’s nature was defined by his economic class and means of production, which, in turn, were defined by the laws and customs instilled by the evolution of society from communal tribal life, through feudalism, through capitalism, to socialism. The world is a purely materialistic system undergoing material evolution. Instead of reaching the Absolute, man evolves into Socialist Man, at which point theory and practice are as one, and all divisions of nation and class are abolished, and each man lives in selfless benevolence with each other.
Note that man has no innate nature in Marx: he is a plastic being, with no unchanging essential definition, undergoing continuous evolution from primitive man to socialist man, that is, from raw animal nature to perfect and benevolent enlightenment.
Man does not become god, because there is no god in this system, but he becomes the creator of man, that is, he becomes his own Demiurge.
Literally speaking, there is no Demiurge in Marxism, because the physical world arose from nothing by mechanical processes; but the world of human society, human civilization, including a man’s virtues and beliefs, are programming into him by the laws and customs, which are programmed by the means of production.
The means of production, in other words, produce Man, and define his nature at any given stage of his ever-evolving nature. Whoever controls the means of production controls Man.
During the Capitalist stage, which is our current stage, Man is produced hence controlled by a conspiracy of Capitalists. Like the Demiurge who creates a world of falsehood and woe merely to benefit Himself at the expense of trapped souls, the Capitalist creates a society of falsehood and woe merely to benefit the Capitalist, at the expense of the trapped proletarians.
The means of production define the class structure: class defines each man’s worldview and philosophy, which Marx calls an ideological superstructure. Any prole who rejects Marxism (which is the ideological superstructure produced by the proletarian class) suffers from false or faulty class consciousness.
Any philosophical disagreements with Marx are dismissed, unheard, as being a by-product of irredeemable brain-programming defined by one’s class. This programming causes a psychological reaction rejecting the enlightenment of Marxism, a benighted fear of progress, hence is called reactionary.
No rational argument need ever be attempted to defend Marxism from any critic, since the mere act of criticism shows the critic to be not arguing in good faith, because no possible reason can exist, aside from this reactionary fear of the inevitable utopia, to question any aspect of Marxist dogma.
As Hegel before him, Marx makes no attempt at ratiocination. His conclusions are presented as oracular utterances.
Hence, Marxists are the awake, the enlightened, and the Elect, whereas opponents are Reprobate, and beyond salvation.
This is the theory of Gnosticism rewritten in materialistic terms.
The violent clash of opposites that ends each stage of evolution and introduces the next, the so-called material dialectic of history, is the Hegelian dialectic of the World-Ghost likewise rewritten in materialistic terms. History evolves by absorbing the clash of opposites into one.
This is the theory of the Zeitgeist or World-Ghost of Hegel rewritten in materialistic terms.
The eschatology is likewise the Neoplatonic absorption into Pleroma, or the Hegelian absorption into the Absolute. Namely, Marx holds all conflicts and contradictions of class and nation end when the Socialist-Minded man is evolved into existence when the means of production become communal. The dictatorship of the proletarian, based on communal property, then dissolves into pure communism, as the innate benevolence of man obviates the need for any laws, or for any state to enforce them.
Now, it should occur to any schoolboy to ask how, if a man’s thought is deterministically defined by his class, how is it the thoughts of Marx are immune? No answer is needed, as to ask the question is forbidden: only reactionaries question Marxism.
Marxism philosophy is a very shallow mimic of Hegelian philosophy. The crude metaphysics is materialism, except it is at its core nihilist, because truth do not exist, only ideology. It has no theory of epistemology or logic, since, in effect, it denies the human thought or volition exists. No theory of ethics or politics is proffered, as these things, as in Gnosticism, are denounced as humbugs meant to deceive and imprison the victim-class. Aesthetics is likewise not addressed.
In Marxism, the golden age of tribal communism ended when some evildoer invented private property, which was a type of theft, for the evildoer insisted that the fruits of his labor belonged not to the group, but to himself. This evildoer did not recognize that he was the chattel property of the community, and all his life and life’s work, all his labor, innately belongs to the collective.
Like Negro Jim in Mark Twain, the escaped slave is a thief for robbing his master of his rightful property, himself.
In Marxism, moreover, Man is tormented by the alienation of his labor, that is, tormented by the fact of reality making it the case that not all men have all talents in all areas equally. This inequality leads to specialization of labor, which leads to private property, trade and barter, and horrors of having a human identity — for Marx opines that human identity, the human soul, is created by the act of labor.
The convulsions of history passed over, the promised utopia will halt such theft from the collective, halt all individual self-awareness, halt all specialization of labor, halt all inequality of talents, and halt all trade and barter. Men will live without the need of material goods, and each man will simply draw as he needs from the collective storehouse, presumably in modest amounts, to which he will volunteer his time and resources without calculation, presumably in generous amounts. The need of a dictatorship to organize and keep tally of withdrawals and deposits will soon cease, as benevolence, rather than self-will, becomes the sole motive of the posthuman superbeings.
The sheer silliness of this conceit would be a matter for mirth, had it not murdered one hundred million innocent people in the Twentieth Century, enslaving, robbing, and deceiving far, far more.
For Marx, as for Rosseau, the original sin ending the Golden Age was the creation of private property. Marx emphasizes that tribal life was characterized by continual intertribal warfare, raids, and violence, but the evolution of history, once private property is abolished, will make all the world one tribe, with no nations, races, creeds, or divisions to provoke violence.
Here, again, Marx is parallel to Hegel and Boehme. Instead of an imperfect God or Absolute creating a cosmos of sin and suffering in order to explore Himself, separating himself from Man in order to evolve Man, mingle with and then absorb him, in order to attain perfection only at the end of time, Marx proposes an imperfect Golden Age, marred by violence, which must separate itself into individualism, mingle with private property, feudalism and capitalism, in order to achieve utopia at the end of time.
It is a materialistic version of the theodicy of emanation, cured by the Neoplatonic reunion of individual man into the Pleroma of one collective socialist perfection.
3.3. Cultural Marxism
Cultural Marxism, as defined by the writings and Gramsci, the Frankfurt School, and other Marxist epigones, explore some of these other branches of philosophy and theology: instead of the proletarians being oppressed by a conspiracy of capitalists, other groups are selected as the victim-group and the oppressor group. Instead of private property, other eternal aspects of the human condition are taken as the original sin that ended the primordial Golden Age, and set the history of woe and suffering in motion.
3.4. Sexual Revolution
The Sexual Revolution was infected with the Gnostic virus early on, and adopted the ethical standards of relativism, saying all fornications and perversions were licit, provided only that everyone involved consented freely — except bastard children, fated to be raised without both parents or slain in the womb.
The knowledge of good and evil became a private rather than public matter, and, indeed, asserting public decency became an act of sinister oppression, called legislating morality or imposing one’s religion on another.
Feminists later invented the myth that a primordial matriarchy existed in the golden age, ended by the original sin of marriage, and creation of sexual roles in society. This they call the Patriarchy, and the Patriarch takes the role of the Capitalist in Marxist mythology. Women are the proletarians, the victims of cosmic conspiracy.
The Patriarch is the evil Demiurge who architects all forms of society in all ages of history for the purposes of benefitting himself at the expense of the deluded victim-group, such as happily married housewives, who are so benighted they do not realize themselves to be victims.
At first, only the sexual roles were regarded as social constructs; later, at the feminists went moon-barking mad, sex itself was regarded as a social construct, so that man possessing greater physical strength than women was dismissed as propaganda inculcated on the unwary by false class consciousness.
Once utopia is achieved, not only social roles will be hermaphroditic and gender-free, no physical distinction between the sexes will exist. Biology itself will cease.
3.5. Gender Ideology
The Sexual Revolution like the French Revolution, led to disaster by any social metric: the rate of divorces, bastard births, births aborted, skyrocketed. Fornication became the norm, and virginity became a badge of shame. This is the Gnostic inversion of morality: prudence condemned as imprudence, goodness condemned as evil. The social pathologies natural to infanticidal mothers, parentless bastards, and deadbeat dads, such drug abuse, self-mutilation, suicide, and gang-violence, became commonplace.
At every step of the disaster, the next wave of sexual revolutionaries, instead of blaming the destruction of social norms as the cause, blamed the preservation of social norms as the cause, and demanded one more brick be torn from the wall. Sodomy became a constitutional right in 2007, then sodomite marriage, then a plethora special privileges were showered on those the perverted in the name of correcting imaginary inequities in civil rights.
The next stage of the Sexual Revolution, once all perversion were licit, was to demand acceptance rather than mere tolerance, approval rather than mere acceptance, and special privileges in the form of diversity hiring — so that chaste and decent people would suffer undisguised segregation and discrimination both in corporate culture and in entertainment.
In order for this segregation to work, of course, each man had to declare his sexual perversions publicly, and affirm his sins as his identity. From then on, he was regarded as a member of a collective, community or tribe of all persons sharing his sexual perversion.
Note that only self-destructive or sterile perversions were included in this group. No overtures were made to polygamists, who are fertile. Instead, sodomites, lesbians, cross-dressers, transvestites, were courted, and now any man seeking castration and mutilation of the genitalia in order to assume a grotesque mockery of the appearance of the other sex.
The end goal, sometimes stated baldly, sometimes not, is the abolition of all femininity and masculinity. A female is a male who identifies as a female, and displays female traits, nylons and lipstick. A male is a female who identifies as a male, and displays masculine traits, whiskers and crewcuts. Men may compete in female sports, and flourish their hairy genitals in the lady’s locker room, because females no longer exist as a category. As in Nominalism, there is no essential property making females female, merely a collection is disparate traits gathered arbitrarily together and assigned one name by arbitrary convention.
At this point, biological reality is regarded as a sinister political deception perpetrated by the Demiurge, who is an admixture of Patriarch and Capitalist, and these deceptions are grounded in the arch-deception of asserting truth is true.
The metaphysics of Gender Ideology go beyond the inchoate opinions of Marx and Gramsci, and clearly proclaim truth to be nonexistent. All claims of truth are attempts by the powerful to oppress the weak; all human role and relationships are power struggles; no amity nor mutual cooperation is possible between any groups or individuals or any other. All are divided against all eternally.
And, of course, any opposition to sexual perversion, or to the attempt to extinguish femininity and masculinity, is misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, or some other form of egregious insanity.
3.6. Critical Race Theory
Marxism applied to race relations place Caucasians as the Demiurge who architected society throughout history to enrich themselves at the expense of minorities. The original sin was the emergence of the White Race, who are the sole and only inventors of racism.
All evils in civilization spring from White Supremacy, which is systematically present in all institutions, political and legal, social and spiritual. Church and state are racist; the marketplace is racist; voting is racist; national borders are racist; marriage is racist. Roads are racist. Sporting events are racist. The weather is racist. Everything is racist.
Once Whites are expelled from power, or exterminated, the natural utopia of pre-colonial Near Eastern, Far Eastern and Aboriginal life will emerge in its unpolluted glory. In the meanwhile, the replacement of Whites in a slow and steady “Browning of America” will decrease White power. In this doctrine, the only cure for White racism is Anti-White racism, which is not racism at all.
White are the new Jews, and Critical Race Theory is the new Nazism, proposing the same final solution.
Any objection voiced to these plans to undermine, expel or exterminate the White Race are, of course, racist. Repeating back word for word the wording of this theory as uttered by its advocates is a conspiracy theory. Attempts to prevent indoctrinating schoolchildren into the madness of White-hatred is decried as opposition to the honest teaching of the young about the evils of slavery, an institution invented by the Whites.
Like opposition to Marxism, all opposition to Critical Race Theory is reactionary, not to mention racist, and therefore need not be answered, except by riot and arson.
3.7. Diversity
Diversity is the awarding of special privileges on minorities, women, and perverts in the name of overcoming mythical systemic inequities built into the architecture of the world-system by the Demiurge.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are policies meant to normalize, praise, and publicize any person whom merit or hard work has not elevated. There theory is that all groups of men by nature will and must have exactly equal talents and interests, so that any statistical discrepancy of outcome, in any field whatsoever, is due to an unspecified injustice, bias, bigotry, or prejudice, which is otherwise invisible and undetectable.
This philosophy also goes by the name “Intersectionalism” which propounds the simple self-contradiction that all Gnostic theories of systemic oppression by the Demiurge are simultaneously true, despite being mutually contradictory.
So, under this theory, it is both true that private property was invented by capitalists to oppress the proletarian, AND that sex was invented by patriarchs to oppress women, AND that sexual morality was invented by the chaste to oppress perverts, AND that racism was invented by Whites to oppress minorities.
So the world-system created by all these Demiurge-like factions, each operating in concert with a group it is oppressing, managed to create all the laws and customs in history, each for its own benefit at the expense of the others, without anyone hitherto becoming aware of it: it is a secret history of an invisible war only the Enlightened can see.
So men oppress women who oppress blacks who oppress sodomites, who are men. And all of society is established to benefit this one group, unbeknownst to all the others.
The theory makes no sense, but since questioning the theory will result in being ignored, being defamed, being fired, being assaulted, being killed, no questions need be answered.
However, in the meanwhile, there is a shifting hierarchy of victims claiming the moral high ground, which (somehow) grants them the right to demand special hiring in private or public sector, special reparations, special segregation, and special favoritism for appearing in television, theater, film, or other aspects of entertainment.
*** *** ***
We will investigate the Climate Panic, Globalism, and the Great Reset in a column to come.