Just for the Record
I have seen gloating and wailing over the fact that, when asked by Tucker Carlson about his concern for sending tanks to Ukraine versus his concern for ill besetting his own nation, candidate Mike Pence answered “That is not my concern…”
Many a pundit decreed this the end of his career. However, heard in context, it was clear that Mr. Pence meant Ukraine was not his concern, and that America was. The statement is being taken the other way around.
While I regard Mr. Pence as a traitor to the nation for certifying a vote he knew or should have known was fraudulent, due to what lapse of intellect or treason to the nation I cannot fathom, there is no cause to misquote him. His actions speak clearly enough without putting words falsely in his mouth. He is a uniparty establishment RINO, and will shortly be run over by the Trump Train, if heaven smiles on our hopes.