The Big BasedCon Based Book Sale
Our friend and fellow Culture Warrior Hans G. Schantz has the following immense announcement:
The Big BasedCon Based Book Sale
Running Now Through Tuesday September 10
What is a “based” book?
based [ beyst ] / beɪst / adjective
1. Well-grounded, resting upon a firm foundation.
2. Principled, devoted to fixed standards, especially in defiance of conventional wisdom.
3. Rejecting politically correct attitudes and celebrating nonconformity with woke opinion.
4. Committed to upholding and advancing the good, the beautiful, and the true.
antonyms: debased, cringe, woke
More on the Based Book Sale, here.
It’s a limited time offer, available only for a week, featuring more than a hundred different titles, including a couple dozen new to the sale.

The sale includes books by Jordan Allen, Tony Andarian, J. M. Anjewierden, Daniel M. Bensen, M.D. Boncher, V.A. Boston, Henry Brown, Jacob Calta, Kit Sun Cheah, Paul Clayton, Travis J. I. Corcoran, J.D. Cowan, Vox Day, Jon del Arroz, Milo James Fowler, Karl K. Gallagher, Edward Gibbon, Roy M. Griffis, Frederick Gero Heimbach, Alexander Hellene, David Herod, Daniel Humphreys, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Michael F. Kane, M.R. Kayser, Frederick Key, L.S. King, Michael Kingswood, Robert Kroese, Michael Lacoy, N.R. LaPoint, Frank B. Luke, Michael P. Marpaung, T.J. Marquis, Richard Nichols, Ron Nielsen, Francis Porretto, M.S. Olney, Chance Paladin, George Phillies, Matthew W. Quinn, Hans G. Schantz, Denton Salle, Dale F. Saran, David Skinner, Jonathan Souza, Steve Stark, John Taloni, Michael Trust, S.C. Vincent, Henry Vogel, Erik Waag, John Walker, David Weber, and John C. Wright.
Don’t forget to check out the Everyday Based Book Bargain sale with more than sixty additional titles!
Authors, want to be added to the sale? Or did I miss your request? Comment here.
Many titles are full length novels. Others are novellas, short story collections, or individual short stories, and pricing is set by the authors. Read the descriptions carefully before buying.
About John C Wright
John C. Wright is a practicing philosopher, a retired attorney, newspaperman, and newspaper editor, and a published author of science fiction. Once a Houyhnhnm, he was expelled from the august ranks of purely rational beings when he fell in love; but retains an honorary title.