Mi-Go Journalism
I could not watch the whole clip, despite it being less than a minute. I choked on the falsehoods, and my vision swam with indignation.
I used to work in journalism, first as a newspaperman, then as an editor. I can solemnly assure you from the bottom of my heart that this creature is lying, and everything he says is a lie.
I call him a creature because he has foresworn his humanity. I suspect he is a lizard-being from Alpha Draconis, or Mi-Go, merely wearing a human mask of clever waxworks, with prosthetic appliances to mimic human hands or voice.
Modern journalism is Minitru from 1984: Big Brother agitprop. They do not do hard work. They do not care, unless, of course, hatred is caring.
When, praytell, did they work hard? When did they care?
Was it when they lied about the WuHan Flu, and said it was made from bat soup, and that the heart attack jab was safe and effective and would 100% stop transmission of the flu?
When they lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop?
When they lied about Russian collusion? When they lied about invaders crossing the border, cats being eaten in Springfield, or called January 6th an insurrection? When they lied about transgender men being women, or children being castrated by doctors?

They lie about politics, lie about economics, lie about morals and ethics, lie about sex and gender, lie about religion, lie about history, lie about civics, lie about every liar they uphold and every true man they defame.
They did not care about you. They hate you. They seek to destroy you.
Sometimes they seek your destruction indirectly, by calling riots peaceful to prevent order from being restored and by calling peaceful gatherings insurrections and provoking civil unrest and perhaps civil war.
Sometimes they seek your destruction directly, they censor you from telling about the jab that causes blood clots, strokes, heart disease.
Sometimes they seek your destruction only spiritually, by luring you unwittingly into unlawful or unclean behavior, as when they hide the fact that it is made from stem cells taken from murdered babies, a thing no proper Christian is allowed to countenance.
I myself was just censored on YouTube, and uploading banned for a penalty time, because I correctly, lawfully, and honestly spoke of the Catholic dogma that forbids use of pharmaceuticals made from prenatal stem cells.
Humanity is not a trait innate to humans. A human can make himself into a monstrous horror by a sustained habit of vice, such as being addicted to lying.
You might not physically turn into a lizard-being from Alpha Draconis, or the Fungi from Yuggoth, but if you mimic their works and their ways, you are one of them in spirit.
And a nation can surrender itself to monsters. It has happened before and will happen again. May heaven save us while it happens here.