Utopia via Armageddon

We do not need further debate on political philosophy. Wokeness is not a political philosophy, nor is the Democrat party seeking any rational political goals.

Politics seeks to know how best to provide for defense against invasion, deterrence of crime, enforcement of oaths, establishment of justice, cultivation of civic virtue.
Monarchy is in disrepute, for Liberal theory holds all just powers of the State derive from the consent of the governed. Liberalism has two branches: Liberalism and Wokeism.
Classical liberalism holds that the best tactics for political order is to mistrust in the goodwill of the powerful, hence to limit the government by regular votes, separation of powers, checks and balances, and in all other things, to leave men at liberty to pursue godliness and goodness each man as he sees fit.
Classical liberalism is further subdivided into right and left.
Rightwing liberals, in America called republicans, mistrust the government’s oversight of the marketplace, and fear for the rich, who are easily outnumbered by envious mobs wishing to plunder them.
Leftwing liberals, in American called democrats, mistrust the marketplace, and fear for the poor, who are easily exploited and outmaneuvered by the rich and powerful.
Wokeism is not in the classical liberal tradition. It is in the esoteric theosophical tradition from which Marxism also springs. Wokeism is cultural Marxism.
Wokeism holds that the social order is produced by economic forces beyond human control, but that man suffers a painful evolution through violent stages of revolt and rebirth from feudalism to capitalism to socialism to Wokeism, envisioned as a utopia where human nature itself is changed to angelic, no man suffers greed or lack of charity, and the restrictions of cause and effect, the disutility of labor or the scarcity of resources no longer apply.
Since utopia is both perfect and inevitable, no credible reason for opposing it can or does exist: all opposition is “reaction” that is, unthinking bigoty, rooted in fear or selfish class interests.
Since utopia cannot arise until after Armageddon sweeps all current laws and customs away, the happy utopia is being forever delayed by a class of oppressors, whose sole motive is bigotry and selfish class-interests. Hence, any action, from breaking down social norms, abolishing families, killing babies, castrating children, uglifying art, prostituting science, smothering laughter, provoking civil war, is a laudable action, not only allowed but imperative.
All things must burn to make way for utopia.
The Democrats were, at one time, champions of the downtrodden, the poor and dispossessed, and favored free speech and generous government largesse to the needy, as proof against the wickedness of the rich, especially sinister international corporations, who have no rooted home in any land.
The Wokeists invaded, undermined, and usurped the places of the Democrat liberals, adopting their vocabulary but pursuing the opposite goals: to uplift Big Tech, Big Business, Big Pharma; to support public censorship of what they call “Misinformation”, aka the truth.
The Woke support endless wars, and the military industrial complex. To question anything is to be an threat to democracy. You will eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy: international corporations, once the bugaboos of the left, are not seen as guardian angels.
The CIA and FBI, also likewise hated of the left, are beloved of the Woke. They are never to be questioned, doubted, disobeyed. Anyone who doubts is an asset of Putin.
The combination of big business and big government into one incestuous power elite holding nothing whatsoever to be beyond its power – everything for the state, everything in the state, nothing beyond the state – is properly called Fascism.
Fascists of old admitted they were fascists. They sought a national socialist form of government, based on solid group-loyalty, would glorify the nation and prevail again their twin brothers the Marxists, an international form of socialism.
Neofascism, here called Woke Fascism, is the opposite. They do not actually support Big Business or Big Government, any more they they support anarchy or totalitarianism. Woke support Utopia. To support utopia, if the only road to utopia leads through Armageddon, means to seek the destruction of all these things.
Woke will support Big Government when Big Government is corrupt. Woke support Big Business when Big Business is corrupt. When these things are healthy and hale, the Woke hate and oppose them. See, for example, the difference between Twitter censoring a sitting President, and the Occupy Wall Street protests.
Woke only support whatever will unleash chaos. They did not open the border to gather votes, or, rather, not in the long term. Erecting a one-party nation was only a beneficial side effect or first step. What they want is the downfall of America, the downfall of the postwar world order, the downfall of the West, and an end to the Church.
The prime tenent of Woke Fascism is the Unreality Principle, that is, namely, a love of falsehood for its own sake. Lies are not just told to deceive, nor to dishearten, but also out of sheer psychotic hatred of truth, reality and virtue.
No matter what, accuse your enemies of your own shortcomings, and call each thing by a name or term that suggests the exact opposite of its nature, as when infanticide is called women’s healthcare, or fascist brownshirts call themselves Antifas (anti-fascists).
No liberal in his right mind will support a Wokeist. The Wokeists hate you, Mr. Lib, and scoff at your freedoms: see Arnold Schwarzenegger and Howard Stern for details.
Wokeism is a cross between a deathcult and a mental disease.
By definition Politics is the study of how best to preserve the social order, the laws and customs, to achieve those goal for whose sake men gather into social groups at all: peace, justice, order, oathkeeping, prosperity, but also the benefits of social life, tradition, education, and the pursuit of virtue.
But by definition Wokeism studies only how to overthrow the social order, with no plans replace or improve anything. Chaos is the goal, for they believe Utopia will spring from chaos like Venus rising from the sea. But first one must unman Saturn and send him to hell. Such is the myth.
So there is nothing to discuss. We cannot debate how to amend laws and customs to preserve the social order and save the world if the destruction of the social order is their goal, and the end of the world.