Wokeness Archive

Part Three: Badness of the Woke

Posted March 25, 2024 By John C Wright

My compliments to Fourth Age, whose insightful commentary gave the inspiration and the thread of argument I copy, in my own way, below. To hear a more careful disquisition of this argument see here: Why They/Them Can’t Write Superheroes 

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Conquered peoples see their calendars altered, their feast days changed, their banners burned, their monuments toppled. This also holds true for those conquered by subversion rather than conquest, and for humble monuments as well as great.

Humble monuments of the popular culture have fallen to dust: Blue Clues celebrates drag queens to toddlers. Dungeons and Dragons was made wheelchair-accessible. And Superman was overtaken by the Anti-Life Equation.

The woke are bold, bald-faced, and bad. Their boldness and baldness we discuss in other columns.

The question here is why their deceptions are so bad, this is, what make their story tales so poor, their propaganda so tin-eared, their advertisements so unconvincing.

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Part Two: Baldness of the Woke

Posted March 21, 2024 By John C Wright

Conquered peoples see their calendars altered, their feast days changed, their banners burned, their monuments toppled. This also holds true for those conquered by subversion rather than conquest, and for humble monuments as well as great.

Humble monuments of the popular culture have fallen to dust: Blue Clues celebrates drag queens to toddlers. Dungeons and Dragons was made wheelchair-accessible. And Superman was overtaken by the Anti-Life Equation.

The woke are bold, bald-faced liars, and bad at their task. Their boldness and badness we discuss in other columns. The question here is why their deceptions are so bald, this is, so undisguised.

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Part One: Boldness of the Woke

Posted March 20, 2024 By John C Wright

Conquered peoples see their calendars altered, their feast days changed, their banners burned, their monuments toppled.

This also holds true for those conquered by subversion rather than conquest, by spiritual warfare rather than physical.

In our current day, it is 2024 C.E. (Common Era), and social media are wont to post homages to International Woman’s Day rather than Lady’s Day, or to Kwanzaa rather than Christmas, or to Pride Month rather than Lent. Vladimir Lenin established the first, and a Marxist activist named Karenga the second. Pride Month, not by coincidence, falls on days sacred to the demon-goddess Ishtar of Babylon, a bisexual hermaphrodite, patroness of the Temple Prostitutes of ancient Near Eastern religion.

Burning the American Flag is Free Speech, hence sacred, but defacing a Pride Flag is Hate Speech, hence blasphemy.

A season of toppling statues and monuments occupied the so-called Summer of Love, when the press enflamed riots, the politicians cheered, and the police stood aside.

Not just high and noble figures were pulled from pillars or torn from courthouses, not just images of Jefferson, Washington, Roosevelt and Columbus, but also the humbler figures of common entertainment, and cartoons for children old and young.

The question is not why it is being done. Conquered peoples continually dispirited and disheartened cannot combine against the effete elite despoiling them. The question is why is it being done so boldly, so baldly, and so badly?

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The Fruit without the Root

Posted January 25, 2024 By John C Wright

Tradition, of itself, is inadequate to justify itself. A tradition can only be justified, or, if unsound, criticized, from its own roots.

Of late, more and more of our agnostic or atheist conservative brethren, seeing the confused if not diabolical current state of the world, and foreseeing it fate if current trends continue, confess that the secular philosophy of the classical liberalism of the Age of Reason seems woefully inadequate to mount as robust defense against the Seven-Headed Beast nihilist philosophers, dogmatic subjectivists, cultural vandals, puritanical sex-deviants, socialist plutocrats, totalitarian anarchists, and pro-jihad atheists, variously referred to as Progressives, Postmoderns, Pervertarians, Wokesters, Critical Race-Hustlers, Cultural Marxists, and Morlocks.

Public men of letters including such figures as psychiatrist Jordan Peterson, mathematician James Lindsay, and ancient Akkadian emperor Carl Benjamin, with a degree of reluctance more or less, have admitted with a degree of candor more or less that only the Christian tradition embedded into our laws and customs stand a chance of fighting the foe.

These men admit that Christian tradition alone is robust enough to fight the Antichrist. But they are secular men, and godless. They see the fruit but doubt the root.  Such is their conundrum.

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Bretigne Shaffer on Amazon’s RINGS OF POWER

Posted November 8, 2023 By John C Wright

This is from the pen of   at Lew Rockwell. She writes, in part:

Why ‘Rings of Power’ Is So Terrible, and Why It Doesn’t Matter

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Fourfold Path of Hypocrisy

Posted August 24, 2023 By John C Wright

Some observe the works and hear the words of the men serving the Enemy on Earth, and opine the Left have no principles or goals, but merely want power for its own sake. The source and summit of Leftism, its telos, is powerlust.

It is a reasonable argument, but I respectfully disagree.

If the Left wanted power in America, they would drop Critical Transgender Ideology, as this alone is unpopular enough to provoke hostile and prolonged resentment — see the Bud Lite debacle for an example. If the Left wanted power, they would stick to the Global Warming Hoax, which is an effective excuse to centralize invasive and arbitrary control over all aspects of human life, with no discernable drawbacks.

I respectfully suggest that the Left, like us, wish for the basic things all men wish for. The basic needs of Man can be seen in the seven petitions of the Lord’s Prayer: (1) daily bread, that is, subsistence (2) forgiveness (3) salvation. All these follow from a petition for (4) glorification.

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Mary Sue’s Journey

Posted November 20, 2022 By John C Wright

Poets serve the truth.

What someone graced by the muse (or driven near to insanity by her, as the case may be) is use the awkward net of human speech to capture the slippery and elusive sea-fairy of truth. Now, as with all sea-fairies, once she is baptized, she sheds her fish tail and becomes mortal, and fertile, and can wed and bear children like other women: so truth begets truths. But to catch her is impossible, for the truths sought by poets are ineffable. Poets put into words what cannot be put into words, so a host stage-magic tricks are used, misdirection, metaphor, allusion, illusion, and so on, to try to capture the uncapturable.

The archenemy of the poet is the propagandist.

He hates and shuns the truth, because his mission is to spred the Big Lie, that is, the false worldview or stream of boring excuses necessary to justify whatever crimes against humanity or sins against heaven, large or small, his particular heresy encourages. In the modern day, the major heresy is cultural Marxism, a type of mutant gnostic death-cult called Wokeness, the crimes are sexual exploitation and mutilation of children,  and the sins are sodomy, adultery, fornication, contraception and divorce.

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Muses of Law and Chaos

Posted June 17, 2022 By John C Wright

Everything “Woke” turns to dreck. But why?

I have been long fascinated as to why it is that the Liberal Left of my youth reliably produced works of popular art, even works of genius, whereas the Progressive Left of the present day cannot make art, cannot tell stories, cannot even generate convincing propaganda using the intellectual property inherited or purchased from their forebears.

I restrict my comments to science fiction as this is the field I know best. Those who know other genres and other arts must speak up for themselves.

Sadly, the mystery is one that continues to baffle me, despite having at times drawn near to one convincing answer or another. None of the convincing answers have the ring of solid conviction.

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Political Correctness and Wokeness

Posted January 10, 2022 By John C Wright

I have both an odd and silly fascination with the question of why officers of Political Correctness can never tell a good tale?

It is a question I have pondered before, perhaps beyond a healthy point. Let me explain, if I may, the source of obsession.

I have a personal and a professional interest in the question, but this explains only part of my interest.

The personal interest is because, to be quite frank, the main reason why my success as a science fiction author is less than it otherwise would be is my public refusal to bow the knee to Political Correctness.

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Wright’s Writing Corner

Posted January 20, 2010 By John C Wright

How to use a foil. Now with more Nausicaa!


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