A reader of mine pointed out that a story of mine was mentioned briefly in a podcast discussing CS Lewis:
“The Parliament of the Beasts and Birds” are mentioned at the end of this one, (1:20:35)
I was on vacation last week (which is why my journal here has been lax of late) and this selfsame short-story came up in a anecdote told by a friend of mine, who, it seems, got fired from his teaching position due to an infelicity in the tale: apparently there was a mention of harlotry and venereal disease in the opening paragraphs which my friend the teacher had not recalled being there before reading it to a classroom of impressionable schoolchildren whose parents were none too pleased.
I do not recall if this were one of the tales of mine voted to be a candidate for a Hugo Award, back before those awards were no longer to be granted to whites, to males, to conservatives, to Christians.