You oughta be in Pictures
Here is my idle thoughts on which SF books would make good films.
WORLD OF NULL-A by A.E. van Vogt. Movies like MINORITY REPORT or DARK CITY show there is at least some audience for this kind of paranoid thriller about an amnesiac superhuman. A better choice might be SLAN: the opening scene kills the boy’s mother, and everyone can sympathize with the character who defies the worldwide police state.
MOTE IN GOD’S EYE by Niven and Pornelle: this one might be too huge to compress into a film, but it has all the classic SF themes of first contact, the mystery of the Moties, and the SFX could be impressive.
RINGWORLD. A classic. Great visuals. The plot is a little slow for movie-dom, however.
CITY OF CHASCH, SERVANTS OF THE WANKH, THE DIRDIR, THE PNUME: Jack Vance does planetary romance right: this would be a thrill ride adorned with great special effects, swordfights, gunfights, intrigue, gallantry, and, best of all, good dialog, a thing Hollywood lacks and needs.
THE STAR KING, THE KILLING MACHINE, THE PALACE OF LOVE, THE FACE, THE BOOK OF DREAMS: as above, Jack Vance does a brilliant job of retelling Count of Montechristo in space.
Doc EE Smith’s “Lensman” series. Space opera. ‘Nuff said.