Null-A Continuum — the MS is in the mail.
Friends, open a bottle of port or hoist your beersteins high for me! NULL A CONTINUUM, with most (I never catch them all) its many spelling and grammar errors corrected, has been mailed back to the production department. My editor is satisfied with the manuscript as it stands, and no rewriting was asked of me.
There will be one last check of the galley proofs, and then it will go to the printer. I am not sure when it comes out.
Man, this was a fun story to write!
Gilbert Gosseyn once more uses his Null-A trained double brain to uncover the cosmic mysteries behind the enigma of his own origins, and to thwart the deadly galaxy-destroying ambitions of the ruthless dictator Enro the Red! The shadow of the Follower falls across Gosseyn’s path once again! The dangerous and alluring Patricia Hardie, whom Gosseyn cannot know whether to trust or not, armed with a sly smile and a high-voltage energy pistol, pretends not to know who is the Cosmic Chessplayer moving Gosseyn across the board of living galaxies and dead ones–but who is she, really? Who or what is the Sleeping God of the planet Gorgzid? Will even Gilbert Gosseyn’s exceptional abilities prepare him for the confrontation of the Ultimate Men from AD Three Million?
Irene Gallo! Grant this story a good cover, I beg of you! Your adoring legions of fans quake and prostrate themselves!ei