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I can correctly call myself “world famous”, because my sister in Australia (in the opposite hemisphere) bought one of my books.
Ladies and gentlemen, if any of you see any spelling errors in TITANS OF CHAOS, tell me before November 15th, because I am going over the manuscript one last time in preparation for its paperback publication.
For those of you who can afford to buy it in hardback, but who are waiting for the paperback version to save money, I think I should warn you that instead of the last chapter where all the plot threads are resolved with a shock of satisfaction, the raw and blood-soaked action explodes from the page, the Dark Lord falls screaming into an atomic volcano, the detective reveals who the killer is, the lovers are reunited, the true king returns to reunite the kingdom, and the busty blonde indulges in a 96-way super-orgy with the Eighteenth Men of Neptune, for the paperback I substituted an experimental chapter where Shinji indulges in a long, pointless, boring telepathic dialog with his EVA01 machine that consists only of broken scraps of conversation, written entirely without punctuation, whose ultimate meaning I leave to the reader to decide.