Is there anyone left who does not recognize the media slants Left?
Gibson Accuses Palin of ‘Hubris’ and Seeing Iraq as ‘a Holy War.
Read the transcript above.
I have not seen the interview, so I do know what nuance of voice, expression, or tone might make the question sound different, but, in my judgment, the interviewer, in addition to being a zealous partisan hack of the Democrat political machine, is a prick. The hostility, the hauteur, the degree to which the interviewer is out of touch with mainstream American thinking, is simply breathtaking here.
Most Americans do not think it strange or uncouth to voice, in wartime, such expressions as might be found in any battle hymn. The Governor quotes Lincoln, and the interviewer keeps pestering her about whether we think God is on our side fighting the Paynims.
That is something that is supposed to be an issue?
By the swordstick of Chesteron! I wish she had said that St. James Matamoros had appeared to her in a dream along side El Cid, Charles Martel, Don John of Austria, Pope Urban II and Godfrey of Boullion and demanded the reconquest of the Outremere, Constantinople, Hippo, the cities of the Seven Churches in the Book of the Apocalypse, and any other spot of ground where Christian saints are buried, or Roman eagles once flew. That would have shut him up.
Is it now a disqualification for public office if a leader in the West expresses hope that God is on our side, and that a divine plan or gracious Providence guides our erring human steps? If so, then woe unto this generation of vipers.
Is it wrong for Christians to fight for Christendom, for Christ’s sake? Then let us melt our swords into fetters, dear friends, for there is nothing else worth fighting for: even that liberty we find so sweet, is nothing but a free gift endowed by our Creator.
I am also confounded by the unwisdom of scoffing at Palin’s qualifications and experience. Is there a single person who would change his vote because he thinks Obama’s experience as a junior Senator clocking, what, 143 work days, makes him better qualified to lead the free world than Senator McCain?
Let us not even compare Palin’s term as governor with Obama’s curiously results-free stint as a community organizer, which is not even an elected position, much less a position entailing responsibility. This issue cannot help but backfire: the jokes almost write themselves.

Community Organizer