Obama is now the president elect

I have just heard Sen McCain concede on the radio. Seems our boy does not have the gumption of a Al Gore, and is not willing to call for endless recounts.

Poor Mr. Obama is now in the difficult position of proving himself to be the Messiah. He won the nomination by appealing to the far left, and won the presidency by voter fraud by appealing to the center left: he will certainly disappoint someone.

He ran as the Messiah, he was elected as the Messiah. Somehow, I doubt he will govern as the Messiah.

Here are my prediction of the coming four years:

Mr. Obama’s message of ‘hope and change’ will turn out to be meaningless: we will have business as usual in Washington, or, with the help of a compliant media and filibuster-proof Senate, we will have Hillary-care round 2, by which I mean, business worse than usual.

The Republicans, even if they regain the White House in four years, will never have the hefty scrotal sacks needed to undo or unmake or defund a single one of the many expensive follies this administration will enact. The presidents following FDR proved that socialism operates on a ratchet: each government program creates a vested special interest that can devote more time and energy to its preservation than the generalize victims can devote to dismantle it. The fact that we had federal funding NPR even while the Republicans controlled Capitol and White House is evidence of this.

Look for a return of the Great Depression, as the administration enacts all the policies exactly opposite of what sound economic principles would suggest. A one year market correction will expand into a four or ten year ongoing disaster.

Look for the emboldened terror-masters to purchase nuclear arms from a relieved and encouraged Iran, while a too rapid pull out from Iraq leads to a general massacre, generally ignored by the American populous, just as the butchery after we retreated from Viet Nam was and continued to be ignored.

Look for terrorist attacks to resume in the Continental United States. Nuclear attacks? I hope not, but I fear that weakness in a world of danger invites attack.

Look for worse-than-Clintonian levels of erosion of our military.

Look for national legislation to legitimize taxpayer-funded abortion on-demand, and all state and local restrictions and parental notification regulations will be federally pre-empted.

Look for nationwide gay marriage.

Look for a vehement renewal of the war against guns. Go buy one now, before January.

Look for three or four of the most activist and leftist Justices in history to be appointed to the High Court, so that hope of returning to the rule of law rather than rule from the bench will be dashed for a generation.

Look for the strangulation and death of Talk Radio under the fairness doctrine.

Look for a rapid decline in the rule of law, and respect for legal procedures. Look for intimidation and open violence against political adversaries.

We are not dealing with a mere grifter, like Clinton, or a well meaning fool, like Carter, but with a self-absorbed intellectual who is radically and deeply hostile to our nation and its institutions.

He will bring all the courtesy and fairness of Chicago machine politics to the Federal government.

UPDATE: As a prophet, I was proved wrong within one hour of my prophecy. Nationwide gay marriage? Not quite. Proposition 8 in California, of all places, just passed with a comfortable margin.

(The news, in typically Orwellian lingo, is calling it a ‘gay marriage ban’ as if anyone in history ever heard of such an insolent absurdity as celebrating a sexual deformity with the rites of marriage, and that we just fell out of bed this morning and decided to throttle this ancient and honorable practice. Oh, puh-leese. It would be better called a “marriage is marriage” act, or, better yet, “A is A” thankyouverymuch.)