Insanity Plea
Submitted for your consideration
Exhibit A:
The first step toward "cultural competence," says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize — and confess — their own bigotry.
Exhibit B:
The Christmas season is now officially the Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, "Solstice" season where we can all celebrate "Dowhateveryouwannukah" together. In the comments below the YouTube video, remarks both express delight that Christians are offended, and express surprise that Christians are offended, at the dumbing-down of Christmas. One commenter is irate that no Islamic winter holy day is mentioned in the song. I should be surprised no commentator was irate at the failure to mention Quviasukvik, the winter feast day of the arctic Eskimo.
Exhibit C:
Ladies and gentleman of the jury, based on these exhibits, I would like to answer for any and every crime of which the United States of America stands accused. It should be clear that the teachers, businessmen, and entertainers who inform the culture of the nation suffer from a suicidal melancholic and manic depression, and are not oriented as to time, place and person, neither do they realize the quality or nature of their acts. They have forgotten who they are and what they have done, forsaken the altars of their fathers and the ashes of their gods, and blasphemed their most sacred patriotic icons. The United States of America is not mentally competent to stand trial.
Exhibit D:
The US of A is putting up a Monument to honor Josef Stalin, the world’s arch massmurderer. I kid you not, and I am not exaggerating.