On Racism
The NAACP officially denounced the Tea Party Movement as racist. IN other news, the CAIR backed and supported the NAACP’s denunciation. Here are some links, two of which are from Tea Party members who happen to be Black, and one of which is from Thomas Sowell, who also happens to be Black.
In the comments under the CAIR piece, One wag comments: “I was a little hesitant to accept the NAACP resolution condemning the Tea Party as racist, etc… but now that CAIR has shown their support for the resolution…well, that cinches it for me.”
However, the best comment I saw concerning the slanderfest of the NAACP vs. the Tea Party, was merely a link to a Congessman’s press release showing that the Administration had lied about using taxpayer money to support abortion/ (In this case, abortion in Kenya, where our government is interfering the internal affairs of a constitutional vote there) http://chrissmith.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=197894
Meanwhile, the so-called Finance Reform Bill, which is perhaps the worst piece of legislation to be written since the imposition of the income tax, is being passed (thanks to the disloyalty of three GOP senators) with nary a word in the news. The Health Care Reform Law is already in violation of the Bart Stupak promises, since your hard earned and easily taxed dollars are now going to fund abortions in Pennsylvania (but this may be a false alarm–we are sending someone upstairs to check). The Administration is urging another spree of cyclopean spending in numbers that not even astronomers can calculate, since having your children and grandchildren working their whole lives to pay down this debt is insufficient: your greatgrandchildren and their lifeworks must also be mortgaged. Meanwhile, the Depression continues, the world reserve currency is getting ready to switch from American dollars to Chinese yuen (RMB), Iraq is getting ready to nuke Jerusalem, the ‘Science Czar’ appointed by Obama urges use to place all world resources in the hands of an international dictatorship, including a world wide ‘One-Child’ policy, and further offshore drilling is being (apparently illegally) forbidden by the Ukase of the Administration, much to the delight of China, who are putting up oil rigs in areas we regard as sacrosanct to Mother Nature. Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Poland, not to mention Israel and England, having been snubbed and slighted or outright betrayed by this Administration, are making diplomatic overtures and gestures toward our longstanding enemies. The Cuban embargo is being lifted, because all Americans should delight and rejoice in the island slave-state just off our shores, and we must do all we can to perpetuate its brutal and inhumane repressions of its people.
And the Justice Department has decided not to prosecute Black Panthers who blocked the voting booths, turning away black and white alike who were not wearing Obama pins with threats and abuse. Eric Holder, who called us a nation of cowards for being unwilling to talk about race, is unwilling to enforce or uphold the Civil Rights law that he is charged to uphold, because the skin color of the defendants, under the rules of Political Correctness, give them a free pass to introduce fascistic barbarism into our once-democratic process.
The body politic is dying all around us. The dream of the West is dying. The American way of life is dead, and has been replaced by a suffocating Nanny-state micro-managerial tyranny, a soft, cuddly smiley-faced tyranny. This is hardly the time to be fretting and fuming over something a has-been organization like the NAACP decides to announce, since they no longer do any good for race relations, they might as well join the ranks of race-baiters and race hustlers, to become as significant and independent as the modern National Organization for Women, that is, an arm of the DNC with no relevance to real life.
But, nevertheless, it is worth noting that this announcement is the death rattle of race as a serious issue in America. Oh, do not misunderstand me: I do not mean there will not be race riots, race-slanted laws, racial censorship of speech and thought, and a racial spoils system of dividing taxpayers loot from now until the end of the Republic. What I mean is that the issue of real racism can no longer be taken seriously, because the boy has, as I long predicted, finally cried wolf once too often. Neither I nor any honest man will stir ourselves to any indignation over any issue that pretends to be a race issue, for the same reason that the villagers no longer stirred themselves to come with staves and hounds to hunt the wolf the shepherd boy kept wailing about. The boy got eaten by the wolf because he deserved it. So, here.
I once knew a real, honest to God racist, someone who believed all that Darwin crap about savage competition between Teutonic and Slavic races, untermenschen and ubermenchen, sub-men and super-men, and how the harsh and bloody eternal war of nature was the only way to improve the race. He was a f*cking Nazi, the kind of vermin my Father-in-Law shipped over the Europe to kill like the rats they were.
So this half-illiterate half-nuts f*cking Nazi sees me reading an article by L. Neil Smith, who is a pro-Second Amendment libertarian science fiction writer. He finds out I am an NRA member, and tried to cozy up to me, thinking I was a kindred spirit.
He intimated to me, as once kindred spirit to another, that no multi-racial empire can or should exist, and that ergo, to save America, we must enact laws like the Limpieza de sangre, the blood purity laws of Renaissance Spain. And the first people we should expel are the Spanish speakers.
I ask him on what grounds? He said to preserve the Western Cultural heritage. I asked him of what the Western Cultural heritage consisted? After some fishing around, I discovered that he included things like the philosophy of Aristotle, the faith of the Bible, the poetry of Virgil, the Art of the Italian Renaissance, the works of great novelists like Cervantes, the achievements of explorers like Columbus or Magellan, the science of men like Maxwell, the technology of men like James Watt, the architectural triumphs of the Cathedral of Notre Dame. I then asked him for a list of what races he wanted expelled, and, after more fishing around, found out that the Greeks, the Jews, the Italians, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, and those filthy Scotch-Irish all had to go: but particularly Catholics. Of course, all the lesser races had to go too.
He has a very, very restrictive view as to who could be called authentically ‘white’ and authentically ‘American.’ Had I continued, no doubt I could have gotten him to admit that the only true Americans who truly deserve to be here are Prussians from the northern half of the Oder river valley and their descendants.
This guy had about the same ability to reason while avoiding blatant self-contradiction as your average Leftist: yet he considered himself a Man of the Right, and belonging to the same school of thought as Washington, Jefferson, John Adams, John Locke, Adam Smith, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan.
His mind had been eaten away by hate. A suppressed rage was in everything he did or said.
Now, why, dear reader, why did he think someone like me, a literate and learned man, a lawyer who not only has read the Constitution and sworn to uphold it, but who has studied Constitutional Law and who loves the Constitution well enough to die for it, why, oh, why did he assume that my love of the Constitution made me a f*cking fascist racist scum like him? Ponder this, dearest reader.
This moron is a member a tiny fringe group of nutbags so tiny that he is outnumbered by flat-earthers and UFO abductees. But he thinks he marches in a vast army. He thinks that all the members of the Tea Party and the Republican Party are on his side. He thinks all the members of the NRA are on his side. He thinks the Libertarians, who are the most anti-collectivist and anti-racist group of ferocious ideologues imaginable, are on his side, and would support a totalitarian regime imposing Miscegenation laws.
Who told this man that members of the NRA were racist? Who told him the Constitution was racist? Who told him the Second Amendment was racist? Who told him Libertarians were racist? Who told him and kept telling him that we, whose lives are devoted to wiping out totalitarianism, socialism, national socialism, Nazism and racism, and who are willing to pay and price and to bear any burden to do so, who told him his enemies were his best friends?
Why, our friends on the truth-deprived Left, of course, of course.
According to the classification scheme of the Left, every one who does not support either peaceful (Fabian) socialism or violent (Marxist) socialism is on the “Right.” Monarchists are on the Right, German National Socialists (Nazis) are on the right and Italian and Spanish fascists are on the Right, Republicans are on the Right, ergo all Republicans are Monarchist national Socialist fascist racists! Why, what a useful classification scheme that is! Let’s try one of our own: land mammals are on the Left, and everything not a land mammal is on the Right, and since this includes fowls of the air and fish in the sea, not to mention every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, ergo a spider is a sparrow is a sturgeon! Somehow I deem Linaeus would not be impressed at our precision.
The time has come for us to admit that the race-baiters have won, and that the word ‘racism’, which once carried the powerful condemnation of Nazi theories of eugenics, Democrat Party backed Jim Crow laws, and hints of the horrors of Auschwitz or KKK lynching, now is routinely used merely to mean nothing more than a vague sense of disapproval on issues having nothing to do with race. It can join the word ‘fascist’ as a word successfully leached of all meaning and significance.
Here is a list of some things I have heard called ‘racist.’
Now, before any you, my dear readers, or my less-dear non-readers, take up the pen of correction to tell me that these things are indeed racist, I would like you to compare and contrast the depth and hurtfulness of the race-hatred revealed in these examples, if any, with that of Auschwitz or traditional Islam or the Antebellum South.
I am not saying that racial stereotypes are good or harmless; I am saying that once everything except the Democrat National Committee is racist, the word “Racist” merely means “Non-Democrat” and has no signification other than as an identifier or party loyalty.
But let us look at the list. They are not ranked in any particular order, I am merely writing them down from off the top of my head as I am reminded of specific instances.
- The word ‘picnic’. GROUNDS: the word picnic is a contraction of pick-negro, picking a Negro to hang during Sunday outings in the park. In reality, the word comes from the French, piquenique which means to peck at a trifle or morsel, and was used to refer to parties where everyone brought his own food, what we would now call snacks. The use to refer to outdoor food parties came two centuries later.
- The word ‘niggardly’. GROUNDS: it sounds a lot like the word ‘nigger’.
- Buck Rogers. GROUNDS: Rogers joins in a small, pathetic resistance against the Han invasion of America in the 25th Century via levitating air-battleship in much the same way that the Templars joined in the pathetic resistance of the Mongol invasions of Russia, Poland, Bohemia, Austria and so on. The portrayal of the futuristic Chinamen is simplistic and stereotyped: they are superstitious, lascivious, cowardly, et cetera. It is racist to portray Chinamen as unintelligent.
- Flash Gordon. GROUNDS: Ming the Merciless, like Fu Manchu, is an oriental despot of inhuman cruelty and a scientific genius. The portrayal of the emperor of “Mongo” (a word reminding us of Mongols) played into contemporary fears of the Yellow Peril. It is racist to portray Chinamen as ultra-intelligent.
(When, in order to make the character of Ming less offensive, certain versions of the comic made him into a lizard-man, this was also denounced as racist, on the grounds that reinventing or re-imagining Fu Machu as a lizard-man was even more insulting to Orientals than to portray him as an Oriental. The idea that Ming is from another planet, and ergo is not even a human being, must less a member of the Si Fan, is too simplistic an idea for the dizzying complexities of the racism-sniffers to entertain.) - The word ‘Chinamen’. GROUNDS: This one stumps me. I don’t understand why calling a man from China a Chinaman is an insult, whereas calling a man from England an Englishman, or a man from France a Frenchman is not an insult. I would say calling someone from France a cheese-eating surrender monkey is an insult.
- The book LAST AND FIRST MEN by Olaf Stabledon. GROUNDS: This one also stumps me, but I suspect that Stabledon’s description of the national character or national spirit of France and Germany, America and China, is the source of this claim. He speaks of the Russian melancholy mysticism or the Chinese pragmatism: perhaps it is also racist to call Chinamen pragmatic.
- L. Frank Baum, author of the Wizard of Oz. GROUNDS: he penned an article calling for the extermination of a local Indian tribe. This was after members of the tribe had raided a house and killed everyone within after raping the women. Also, he has a fictional race in fairyland called the ‘Tottenhots’, a disguised version of Hottentots, who are depicted as lower and less developed form of man. These references, or at least the accompanying illustrations, have been Bowdlerized out of the currently printed editions of the work by the Thought Correctness Police.
- Ruth P. Thompson, the author who took over the Oz series after Baum. She has one tale where a group of gypsies are depicted as colorful yet thieving rogues and mountebanks, and when exiled by magic back to the normal world, they are deposited in Romania. GROUNDS: in the years after the book was written, Hitler rounded up gypsies to concentration camps and exterminated them by the thousands. Also, the gypsy stereotype as thieves and pickpockets is a stereotype.
- E.E. “Doc” Smith. GROUNDS: in SKYLARK DUQUESNE, the oriental manservant of superscientific hero and wealthy man about town M. Seaton Crane joins the Skylarkers as an equal, along with his beautiful wife, Lotus. Both man and wife are unfailingly polite, competent at everything they do, and masters of deadly hand-to-hand combat. These are all stereotypes.
- Robert Heinlein. This one I really, really cannot figure out. As best I recall, from books like STARSHIP TROOPERS or PODKAYNE OF MARS or STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND, Heinlein pulled the clever trick of introducing you to a sympathetic character, Rico or Uncle Ben or Ben Caxton , only later and only indirectly would he reveal the character was Filipino or Maori. Any reader harboring unexamined race hatred in his heart would be caught short, and maybe stunned into thinking through his faulty premises. Also, the future in STARSHIP TROOPERS was as ethnically diverse as the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, even though the book was written before the Viet Nam war. But, no, that is not good enough. GROUNDS: Heinlein is racist on the grounds that in STARSHIP TROOPERS the Klendathu are “Bugs” and calling a species of spider-like hive mind creatures “Bugs” is somehow symbolically or magically similar to calling the Japanese “Japs.” The Klendathu are also portrayed as insectlike inhumans, which is similar to how Bad White People often regard the Yellow Peril. Having them dig tunnels like the Japanese dug into Iwo Jima is also Racist. That one I cannot explain: it sounds like the race-baiter is suffering from terminal paranoid schizophrenia. It is also damned ungrateful, considering Heinlein took a strong stand against racism in a day and age long before it was fashionable to do so.
(I seem to recall that Mark Twain in portraying Nigger Jim as the only bold and level headed character on the raft did a similar service, slyly or openly thrusting barbs with his pen into the institution of slavery. The Leftist reward for his courage in the cause they claim to uphold is to be condemned by them.) - C.S. Lewis. GROUNDS: the bad guys in his Narnia Chronicles are Saracens. Writing a pseudo medieval epic where pseudo Christendom fights pseudo Dar-el-Islam is racist.
- J.R.R. Tolkien. GROUNDS: the bad guys in Middle Earth are Southrons and Easterlings, who wear gold rings in their ears. Writing a pseudo medieval epic where pseudo Christendom fights pseudo Dar-el-Islam is racist.
(But only if the Pseudo Christians win. If the Pseudo Dar-el-Islam wins, as in Frank Herbert’s DUNE, where futuristic Bedouins overthrow the corrupt futuristic Greeks of futuristic Byzantine Empire, has never been, to my knowledge, accused of racism, despite any stereotypic elements relating to romanticized Bedouins appearing in the Fremen. ) - THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, Mel Gibson, director. GROUNDS: there is a line in the Gospel, reproduced in the movie in Aramaic, albeit not subtitled, where the Jews calling for the crucifixion of Christ offer to exculpate a wavering Pontius Pilot by saying, “His blood be upon us!” Since the Gospels are anti-Semitic, ergo a movie that portrays the Passion story, if it takes Christ seriously, instead of making him a Rock Star or a Clown (as in Jesus Christ Superstar, or Godspell) is ergo and ipso facto racist.
- The War in the Pacific Theater during World War Two. GROUNDS: I have heard two arguments given for this: one is that the use of the atom bomb was unnecessary, and we bombed the Japs by surprise because we hated them, not for any sound military reason. Actually, we dropped leaflets beforehand warning civilians to avoid the targeted areas, which were military staging grounds and industrial centers. The other argument is that the Pacific War itself was a racist war, provoked by the Americans out of race hatred and for no other reason, and fought with more savagery than the European War because we hated them. This is such bullshit that I cannot bring myself to waste precious electrons typing an objection.
- Bugs Bunny. GROUNDS: Bugs made fun of the Japs during World War Two, and, unlike modern film makers and comedians, Warner Brothers supported the war efforts with their film making. You cannot see these toons these days, because the comedy-relief enemy-soldier clowns have the buck teeth and spectacles and outrageous accents of broad slapstick humor. Of course, portraying a gun-happy Southerner with an outrageous accent, or even a big chicken, is allowed, because making fun of Southerners is allowed, those damn hicks, whereas making fun of the enemy in wartime is strictly forbidden.
- The MISTER MOTO books and stories. Mr. Moto is an unfailingly polite, gracious, humble, yet super-competent detective armed with a razor-sharp intellect. He wears spectacles. GROUNDS: The courteous and bespectacled oriental is a stereotype. Portraying Orientals as humble good guys able to outsmart bad guys is racist.
- DR .FU MANCHU books and stories. The insidious arch-mastermind and the leader of the Si Fan is an oriental warlord of the underworld and a scientific genius: he is the Professor Moriarty of the Far East. GROUNDS: The satanically cold and precise Oriental devil is a stereotype. Portraying Orientals as dignified bad guys able to outsmart good guys is racist.
- Every take off, rip off, and wanna-be of Fu Manchu, on the same grounds. Shiwan Khan and Wu Fang from the pulps, the Yellow Claw and the Mandarin from the comics. And while we are at it, GREEN LANTERN and GREEN HORNET was also racist on the grounds that the hero protagonist employed an Eskimo sidekick named Pieface, or an Oriental Chauffeur named Kato, a role later made famous by the immortal Bruce Lee. Pieface was later turned into a Venusian, I think.
- The word “Oriental”. GROUNDS: This one stumps me. The word means ‘shining’ and refers to the direction of the sunrise, that is, the East. The politically correct preferred term is now ‘Asian’, and this term is not only stupid, it has the added attraction of being misleading and confusing, since now there is no word to refer to the dark-haired yellow-skinned peoples with epicanthic eyefolds, which does not also refer to Caucasians living in Turkey and ,yes, the Caucasus Mountains, Levantines in the Near East, such as Arabs and Jews, Indians and Dravidians in the Indian subcontinent, persons living in non-European Russia. I recall hearing a Bollywood actress from Canada being called an ‘Asian.’ (This was gorgeous Lisa Ray, she is a Canadian, her mother Polish, her father Bengali): but she did not look like, for example, Ziyi Zhang, Grace Park, or Lucy Lui.
- BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA. This one also stumps me. It is perfectly clear to me that John Carpenter did his level best to make Wang the hero and Jack Burton the comedy relief sidekick (thus turning all the normal expectatoins on their heads) and to portray both them and their foes as the most awesomtacular kick-ass martial artists of all time. Plus black magic and Chinese sorcery is thrown in for good measure. David Lo Pan is my favorite movie villain, both in his form as a ten foot tall roadblock, and as a basket case on wheels. However, while the project was being filmed, John Carpenter, must to his surprise, was approached by complaints that the story or the execution or something was racist. Your guess is as good as mine.
- A similar complaint was leveled against STAR WARS/ATTACK OF THE CLONES, which was racist because the bounty hunter with the jetpack, who was the coolest and most awesome character in the film, looked like a Spaniard. Well, last I heard Spaniards were Caucasian, and in any case Fett is from another galaxy. The idea is that having anyone aside from a blonde Prussian as a bad guy is an insult to whomever fells like being insulted by it.
Jar-Jar Binks was also called racist, since he was a Steppin Fetchet character. Well, that one was shockingly blatant, and I was amazed that a leftwing director would get away with it without being raked over the coals. - LAST AIRBENDER (live action movie). There are two grounds given for this: first, the cartoon in which it is based was made by Americans, but uses the visual vocabulary of Japanese Anime, and portrays martial arts, architecture, dress, and spiritualist beliefs rooted in the Orient. For Americans to make or use any of the cultural products of an overseas culture is an act of unconscionable imperialist expropriation. This idea is too stupid to merit being mocked: everything in a America originally came from somewhere else. E Pluribus Unum. Second, Aang, who in the original cartoon is from a completely made-up planet where zebra-seals and turtle-ducks are commonplace, in the live action movie is played by an actor whose race I cannot determine by looking at his picture, and furthermore Prince Zuko and his Uncle Iroh are being played by Persians.Now, that is either bad because guys who should be Chinese are being played by Persians, who are White; or it is bad because Iroh and Zuko are bad guys, and it is morally wrong to have bad guys be portrayed by Persians, who are non-White. Both the logical fallacy, and that fact that those who made this complaint have no clue who Uncle Iroh is, or why he is the most awesome character in the cartoon, speak for themselves, or, rather fart for themselves.The second complaint seems to be that made-up people from make believe planets have to have the same racial divisions we have on earth, so that anyone living in the arctic is an Eskimo, and furthermore that to have an Eskimo character portrayed by a non-Eskimo is a legitimate reason for race-baiting paranoid schizophrenics to scream and weep and tear their hair like pagans mourning the death of Adonis, in an excess of excruciatingly embarrassing public displays of self-righteousness .
- The word ‘Eskimo’. GROUNDS: The word is (falsely) said to have been in insult in the language of the Indian tribe that first introduced French trappers to them. The politically correct term is ‘Inuit’, even though this refers merely to one tribe.
- The word ‘Indian’. GROUNDS: The American Indians are not from India. That is a mistake made by early explorers, and to make a mistake is racist. Or something. I am not too clear on this one. The argument that we should call the Red Man ‘Native Americans’ on the grounds that we need a word to distinguish the race to which Pocahontas belongs from that to which Aishwarya Rai belongs has a valid point. Substituting a word that is longer, awkward, and even more misleading is stupid. I have read at least two books where Plains Indians, complete with feathers and pinto ponies, bows and arrows, the whole nine yards, were on planets other than earth, and hence, were not American in any way, shape, or form. (For those of you who are curious, the books were WORLD OF TEIRS by Philip Jose Farmer and SAVAGES OF GOR by John Norman). While it might be confusing to refer to a Sioux or Aztec on a distant planet or in a pocket dimension as a ‘Indian’ (they are not from India, after all) it is even more confusing to refer to such folk as ‘American Natives.’ The word ‘native’ by the bye, is also regarded as insulting, so I am not sure why calling natives from American ‘Native Americans’ is less insulting than calling them Indians.
- Walt Disney. GROUNDS: there is a scene in PETER PAN, where Indians dance and sing about being Red Men, and saying ‘How’ and suchlike. All stereotypes. (Of course, the Pirates are stereotypical pirates, but no one complains about that.)
- The phrase ‘Red Man’, or, for that matter ‘Yellow Man’ or ‘Black Man’. We are all shades of pink, more or less, and these simple color-codes fall awkwardly on the sensitive modern ear.
- The word ‘Negro.’ GROUNDS: Beats me. But you are supposed to say ‘colored person.’
- The word ‘Colored’. You are supposed to say ‘Black’
- The word ‘Black.’ You are supposed to say ‘Afro-American.’
- The word ‘Afro-American’. You are supposed to say ‘African American.’
I thought ‘Negro’ was a neutral and unexceptional term for the race. I will continue to use it, and if it offends you, shut up, stop whining, and please grow a spine.
The same inconvenience accompanies the ‘African American’ circumlocution as the ‘Native American’ circumlocution: it is both inaccurate and stupid. To use a frivolous example, I was once in a role playing game where the player characters were time travelers, and we were likely to encounter strange versions of history from parallel time lines. One man we met was a Negro member of the Third Reich, coming from a time line where the Nazi Party of Germany decided Blacks were also Aryans and members of the Master Race. One of the player character has his mind boggle at the thought. “Do you mean,” he asked, “That this is an African American Nazi?” But the moderator said back, “Why, no. Obviously he is a German Nazi. He just happens to be Black.”
Again, a friend of mine who is from Africa, born there, was caught outside on a sweltering hot day on her campus. Seeing the African American Student’s Union, she stepped inside to enjoy a seat before the air conditioning. Immediately some Blacks approached her and told her she had to leave: since this lounge was reserved for African Americans. “But I am the only African here!” she exclaimed, and truthfully enough, since she was from South Africa. She also happened to be White. But the Student Union does not judge people by the content of their character, or their nation of origin, but on the color of their skin. - All ‘Edisonades’ boy’s adventure stories from the turn of the century involving the amazing inventions of the future, such as motorcycles, flying machines, or steam-powered robots . GROUNDS: when the Adventure boys encounter Lost Races or tribes of savage Indians, fawning black comedy relief or sinister Orientals, the stereotypes fly thick and fast. I have read not a single one of these stories, ever, so I reserve any opinion on their merit. From the description, I sounds like typical pulp writing of the period, reflecting the mores and attitudes of the time.
- The British Empire. For that matter, I have heard all empires, and indeed all nation states condemned as being racist. GROUNDS: The Brits conquered more than half the globe, and they brought law and order, but also their fair share of slavery, exploitation, and slaughter, to brown and yellow people everywhere.
- G.K. Chesterton. He was an anti-Imperialist. GROUNDS: When he and his brother attempted to reveal the Marconi scandal to the public, Chesterton blamed the international banking families for encouraging the corruption involved. Those families were Jewish.
- Rudyard Kipling. He was an Imperialist. GROUNDS: one of his poems speaks of the White Man’s Burden. He also calls the Huns and Germans a lesser race that knows not the law.
- The BELL CURVE by the Harvard psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein . GROUNDS: it is impermissible to talk about whether there is any correlation between race and intelligence. Even to bring the subject up is racist.
- Yours Truly, John C. Wright, philosopher and savant. GROUNDS: I complained that any errors in the BELL CURVE by psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein should be refuted using science rather than shouted down by sanctimonious know-nothings using political correctness. Political correctness is not the scientific method. This made me officially a racist, at least in the opinion of one know-it-naught. Not because I have read this book (I have not) and not because I agree or disagree with its conclusions (I do not) and not because I think there is a correlation between race and intelligence (I do not, because I doubt the terms ‘intelligence’ and ‘race’ can be defined with sufficient scientific accuracy to admit of disprovable yet meaningful empirical statements). No, none of that makes me a racist. I am officially condemned of ungood thoughtcrime because I pointed out that refuting a scientific error by shouting it down betrays a contempt for science and for the scientific method. I said the horrific truth that Leftists are not really respectful of science of the scientific method. Ergo, I am a racist.
Let me say that again, so the towering ignorance and folly of the accusation is plain. By saying that the socialista nutbags show no respect for science when they abandon scientific reasoning during debates on scientific topics and instead trot out their shallow sanctimoniousness, that makes me a racist, that is, someone who shares a philosophy with an Islamic Jew-bomber or a Nazi prison guard. - The statement that we should judge people on the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin. GROUNDS: This was called racist on the grounds that only Whites, thanks to their ‘white privilege’ have the luxury to be colorblind and race-neutral, but since racism is such an ever-present and painful reality in the lives of blacks, that luxury is denied them, the honest blacks cannot cease to emphasize the difference between the races. It is not merely condescending for whites to pretend not to be racist, it is in fact a newly-discovered type of racism. This is the argument as I understood it, and if you can make heads or tails of it, you are a better man than I. That this argument about White Privilege was being uttered by rich white liberals against a poverty-stricken Jewish woman merely added insult to injury.
- The arrest of a black professor on his own doorstep, when the police reacted to a call made by a neighbor that someone was trying to break in to the man’s house. GROUNDS: Again, I am not sure what the grounds were. Unless it is merely our default assumption that all arrests are racist if a black man is involved, I cannot imagine what the reasoning here might be. The facts of the case indicated the police acted as they are required by their duty to act.
- Everyone who supports the misnamed Global War on Terror. GROUNDS: the idea here is that Islam is a race, not a religion and not a totalitarian political movement merged with a religion. Anyone who converts to Islam, such as Cat Stevens or Cassius Clay, becomes ipso facto a member of this new race. Ergo any opposition to the acts of international Fascist-Islamic terrorism is motivated and can only be motivated by an irrational hatred of the new race: ergo such opposition must be stopped at all costs; ergo no reference can be made to the religious identity of any terror or riot done in the name of Allah, because to spread such reports, even if true, would inflame public race-hatred. The Republicans and Christians are merely inches away from exploding into tumultuous mob-violence against cowering yet perfectly innocent Arabs and Sikhs worldwide. This danger of mob violence erupting the moment we identify or fight the enemy is so great and significance, and the danger from Islamic Jihadists is so small and insignificant, that it is more dangerous to fight the war than to passively submit to whatever random and inhuman sneak attacks the Jihadists in their wisdom and compassion see fit to deliver against our innocent people, which our oaths of office to protect and serve is of none effect anyway, since they are milk cattle meant only to feed us, not real people who really suffer when a Jihadist blows them up or guns them down. If I put these sheets over my head, the monster will not see me.
Again, this is not reasoning even remotely related to the real world. Let me tell an anecdote.
I was once on a science fiction panel discussing whether or not, in the face of the immense race-hatred generated by evil Whites against innocent Islamicist Fascists, a book like Frank Herbert’s award winning DUNE could be written or published these days. The panelists seemed to agree that we were living in a police state where to speak out in favor of the oppressed would call down the Brownshirts or the SS. (This was during the Bush Administration. The Obama Administration has altered none of the police statist policies which had my co panelists quailing and trembling in big-eyed Anne Frank like fear, but for some reason the police state is no longer on their lips. Go figure.) The panelists agreed that the overwhelming number of truly horrific violent crimes committed by Whites against Arabs confirmed that ours was a deeply and irredeemably racist nation.
Being of a lawyerly mind, and having (for once) done my homework before the panel, I pulled out the record of all hate-crimes committed nationwide in the previous months since 9/11. The one reported hate-crime turned out to be a dispute between two Arabs, falsely attributed to White Racists. The false report occupied page one; the retraction occupied a footnote page 789B. Point by point and article by article, I showed how the newspapers had misreported the facts, making it seem as if there was, or was about to be, a violent backlash by racists Whites against innocent Arabs.
Well, these facts not only did not inconvenience our intrepid Leftroids, it did not even slow them down. One woman with sad, puppy like eyes turned to me with the oozing sanctimoniousness only Leftists can generate, at once quivering as if with fear and strident as if with flaming moral outrage. She explained to me that facts did not matter. She knew Pakistani members of her class where she taught, and they perceived that there was or might be a backlash. In fact, she had told the students that herself, aided and abetted by the same newspaper stories I had had just proved were false. Reality did not matter, because her students were just as frightened by the perception.
The irony, not to mention the self-contradiction, was lost on her. Why she thought it was her holy mission in life to frighten the innocent about purely imaginary dangers, on the grounds that imaginary was the same as real, is so weird that I could not even put it in a science fiction story: my imagination, which can reach to the ends of the universe, cannot reach so far. I do not understand what she was thinking, and I do not care to understand. - To my delight, I heard Al Qaeda denounced as racist by none other than our own racist-in-chief and master race-baiter Barry Obama. This came as a pleasant surprise, first, because it is the truth, and second, because I have never heard Mr. Obama say one true thing, not one, not once, true about the topic of race before. So while it is still officially racist to support the War on Terror, it is now also officially racist to support Al Qaeda. I leave it to logicians subtler than I to resolve that apparent paradox.
- The Mammoth Book of Mind-Blowing SF Mike Ashley (Editor). GROUNDS: The race of the writers included in the table of contents was not consulted, and therefore there are no famous science fiction writers of color including in the Mind-Blowing list. ‘Mind-Blowing’ here meant stories from the Hard SF or space-opera, including two or more reprints from the 60’s. Like it or not, both the hard SF subgenre and the space opera subgenre is not where the younger authors tend to congregate, and that include younger authors of color. Jewish SF authors do not count as a minority, because, for the purposes of political correctness, Jews are Whites when it is convenient to bash Whites, but, as in the case of the Passion of the Christ (see above) Jews are minorities when it is convenient to bash Christians.
I did not have any money to spare, so I had to skip a lunch or two to save the money to buy with book, which I did merely to defy the Leftroid vermin who decided to slander it, since none was personally available to run through with my sword cane. I had no intention of reading it, since I bought it merely as a gesture.
But Holy Moly! The editor is none other than the great Mike Ashley, one of the most professional and hard working editors in the field! This guy has bought at least two short stories from me, so I know he has good taste. I did not recognize the name when I bought the book: I thought the Leftroids were picking on some nobody—as cowards, they tend to gather in their two minute hates against small and weak targets.
Well, maybe I will have to give the book a read.
What else have I heard called racist?
42 ,43 ,44, 45 … (ad inifintum) The entire Christian religion, the entire history of the United States, and the entire Science Fiction field. The Great Books of Western Literature. All civilization, except for the Democrat Party, who claim credit for having invented the idea that all men are created equal yesterday, and out of their own perfect moral and mental superiority to the rest of us.
What can we conclude from all this?
Despite and contempt against other races used to be socially acceptable in America and Europe, and, thanks to the horrors of the Second World War, and the strong conservative and Christian movement in this country to change the laws the Democrat party in the South had made the norm there, we Republicans managed both to pass the Civil Rights Acts that the Democrat Party tried to stall by filibuster, and we Christians, including Rev. Martin Luther King, managed to overcome the fashionable Margaret Sanger type belief in pseudo-Darwinism and Eugenics that formed the backbone of American racism after the Civil War. So, despite the efforts of the proponents of ‘Scientific Racism’ on the Left, despite the Democrat love of racism reaching back to the Civil War, we Republicans, starting with Lincoln, have rendered it no longer socially acceptable. One cannot in public admit to being a racist without encountering a hail of scorn from all honest men.
Are there real racists out there in the world, brutal and sinister men who practice evil on their brethren for a reason so shallow that it has no parallel for its raw injustice? Indeed there are. I met one of them. He was a very angry man, and also a gun collector, so I do not expect good things out of him.
But in the same way Tim McVeigh thought the whole nation would rise up in one immense patriotic fervor to avenge the slaughter by the Democrat Party of the innocent Christians at Waco the moment he blew up equally innocent people in the federal building in Oklahoma, the real racist, the only one I have ever met in person who is qualified to have that term chained around his neck, the racist I know is encouraged and heartened by his knowledge that he has so many secret friends.
You see, when I tell him to his face that he is a loathsome worm, he did not believe I really think that.
He simply didn’t believe me.
Why not?
The Leftroids told him that I in particular and all Republicans and Christians and Whites in general, are actually SECRETLY racists. Some of the Right know that they are racists and are silenced merely by their cowardly shame from admitting it, and some of Right do not know they are racists, because they are mentally incompetent sleepwalkers, who live and breathe racism without reflecting on what they are doing.
The doctrines of Secret Racism is like the doctrine of Witch-finders in Protestant lands believing in Witches: if you accuse someone perfectly innocent of racism, and he dares to dispute your non-evidence, his disputation is taken as final proof of his guilt. We all know Witches deny being Witches! Likewise here: if I can find a man smarter than me and more morally upright, and I can accuse him of racism, well, then, suddenly he is either stupid (because he is a sleepwalker, a racist who does not know it) or he is a wretch (because he is a liar, a racist who knows he is racist but remains too craven not admit it.) Automatically and easy as pie, my foe is revealed as a fool or a coward, and mine own self-esteem shines forth in all its glorious me-good-ful-ness. Me am good because me am good.
Now look at the doctrine from the point of view of the real racist, the guy I talked to. He thinks that he, and the VAST MAJORITY of Americans are eager for the onset of the Fourth Reich. The majority just won’t admit or does not realize that they agree with him. Can you see, dear reader, how dangerous this doctrine is to be taught to an unbalanced mind?
To him, thanks to this doctrine, the real racist thinks that nearly all Americans fit into two categories.
First, the scared but awake: they will admit that they are racists like him as soon as it is socially safe to do so. He thinks that these scared Americans are merely cowards too cowed to speak the truth bursting in their tiny hearts, yes, yes, we all want to kill Jews just like him! All we need to do is be coaxed out of the closet. A bold example of the strength of the Fourth Reich, like bombing a public building, will shock them out of their fear. They will all laugh in relief and thank him.
The second group is the sleepwalkers: they like and practice the idea of racism, but they merely are too dull witted to understand that is what they are doing and what they really want. This means that everything and anything the Sleepwalkers say that condemns racism, is merely talking in their sleep: it can be dismissed as a pro-forma protest without meaning. The Leftroids have convinced the racist vermin that the vast majority of Americans are racist but too dumb to realize it. To him, that implies all that need be done is that we Americans be brought to realize it. One sharp shock will wake us all up. Bombing a public building should do it.
Conclusion: Yes, Virginia, there are also really wolves and nutjobs out there who hate based on race. They are enemies alike of God and Man, right reason and good government, peace and common sense, and they should be hauled into the sacred groves of the Asatru, and sacrificed in screaming blood to Odin, our War-God, and their corpses hung from the Ash tree which is sacred to us. One particular reason why these neonazi freaks should be slain and the souls fed to Odin and Thor, is just because they don’t know anything about real Norse religion from the Old Days, but instead adopt that garble of spiritualism and woozy-headed mysticism that Hitler ranted about. The Old Gods are not the cleaned up versions you hear singing arias when you go to the Opera and watch Wagner, and they are certainly not the Jack ‘King’ Kirby version that soars across the pages of the Marvelverse, flinging hammers made of uru metal.
But good Christian gentlemen will not drag the real racists into the groves sacred to Frigg and Woden, and deliver to them what they deserve, lest our own God, who is just, turn again and grant us what we deserve, rather than the mercy we need to stay alive. Under the rational and civilized laws that the good Christian gentlemen of the colonies enacted, laws that the Leftroids are busily attempting to suborn and destroy, we may not even put the racists in jeopardy of life and limb for their abominable opinions, since the First Amendment protects us all, the just and unjust alike. All we can do is deliver the abominations to scorn—but, as of today, as of now, that weapon has been flung from our hands by the folly of the Left.
From now on, any man who preaches Darwinian eugenics, and hopes for the day when Aryans will slaughter Jews and Negroes and Italian, Dutch, Spaniard, Savoyards, Walloons, etc., etc., when a damned fooled such as that preaches his venom in public, and honest men hold their noses and call him racist, everyone will shrug and say, “This means he is the same as those concerned and loyal citizens of the Tea Party who prudently petitioned their nation not to go into unsustainable debt, and to remit the confiscatory taxation scheme set to ruin the common good—well, by Jove, in that case, if THAT is all that this thing called ‘racism’ means, let us by all means extend every courtesy to the man preaching genocide and nigger-burning. Perhaps he is motivated by the same prudence, patriotism, civility, and civic mindedness.”
Such men are perhaps a danger. The danger has been increased and encouraged by the Left, who sought a temporary political advantage or a sense of psychological superiority, by accusing the innocent.
The danger is not one any honest man should ever heed again. I hereby officially declare on behalf of anyone and everyone ever slandered and libeled by these endless and endlessly false accusations of racism, that having the NAACP accuse the Tea Party of racism is the straw that breaks the back of the patient camel.
You have gone too far. This game is over.
When the Left rings the fire alarm, honest men should assume it is a false alarm and go about their business. When the boy cries wolf, let us hereafter stop our ears, and let the wolf eat the lying-ass shepherd boy. Let us stop taking any accusations of racism seriously, no matter what the circumstances or what the evidence. From now on, if someone on the Left accused even Hermann Goering of being a racist, we should laugh it off and stopper our ears.
Our credulity has been abused: our courtesy has been exploited; our good nature has been raped and then slandered. We honest men have tried, and our fathers and grandfathers bled and died, to bring forth a nation where all men were equal, and to end the scourge of slavery forever. Slavery, in the form of ‘human trafficking’ is making a come-back, and efforts to crack down on it, such as are involved, for example, in Arizona’s state law beefing up enforcement of border security, are actively being dismissed and discourage by the Left as — wait for it — racist.
It is time to down tools. It is time to quit. We should never listen nor care ever again.
As of this moment in time, the accusation of racism has officially become utterly meaningless.
You lied once too often.