Guest Editorial by Jim Frenkel of Tor Books: You Must Read to Write
My beautiful and talented wife is asked every would be writer who wants to hear the scoop, straight from the horse’s mouth as it were, to drop by her website and leave a kind comment.
Today, we have a real treat at Wright’s Writing Corner…a post from my editor, James Frenkel of Tor Books.
Please come by and see what a real editor has to say about how to become the writer of your dreams!
Reading and Writing
When I first started editing books I had already been an avid reader for more than fifteen years. Throughout my youth, I read everything I could get my hands on. i’m not sure why I was such a voractious reader. I never s aw my parents reading anything except the newspaper, or maye Newsweek Magazine. But for as long as I can remember, I have loved to read.Fiction, non-fiction. Science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, biography, history, sports, contemporary realistic fiction, romantic fiction, thrillers, true crime . . . I can recall books from as long ago as when I was eight or nine, that I borrowed from the library-a biography of Kit Carson; a Landmark book about the Panama Canal; Have Spacesuit, Will Travel by Robert A. Heinlein, The Wonderful Trip to the Mushroom Planet by Eleanor Cameron, the Hardy Boys mystery The House on the Hill by Franklin W. Dixon . . . I could go on and on.
Don’t ask me how I remember titles. My wife tells me I have a ridiculous memory for trivia, and she’s probably right. My own theory is that I remember particular titles that caught my fancy when I was very young and impressionable. Of course, I also remember a number of books I’ve read in the intervening years, decades. And remembering some of the best books I’ve read gives me great pleasure.
Yes, I am an incurable literature junkie.