Pornolitical Correctness
The feast day of Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist may not be the best day to speak of the various False Prophets who serve the Beast and worship him, least our happiness of the Christmas Season be jarred, but it might serve as a day to speak of Political Correctness, which is much the same thing. Surely Political Correctness is not a more fantastical beast, many headed and freakishly ugly, as the dragon the Whore of Babylon rides, or other prodigies and abominations seen by Saint John in his wild vision.
The core of Political Correctness is to substitute dramatic words, phrases and thoughts, for true ones. The words are selected based on their usefulness to the Party, not their truth value. They are like advertising jingles, or the cries of cheerleaders urging the fans.
The Party of which I speak is not the Democrat Party. It is the party of hate. It is the party of Nihilism.
Hatred gives zest and meaning to an otherwise empty mind; it establishes camaraderie for the lonely, making them feel part of something great; it provides drive to sluggards; it adorns the unrighteous with a luster of moral superiority; it gives the craven bravery.
Nihilism is a philosophy which releases those who believe it from the labor of logical philosophy or the burden of believing anything. It wins all arguments by a preemptive surrender of the mind to the abyss. If there is no truth, there is no argument.
To serve these purposes does not require a real threat from a real enemy, someone who might retaliate. A make-believe enemy will do as well.
Should you, faithful Christian or Jew, be true to your faith, rest assured a heaping of the hatred of the Politically Correct will be heaped upon at some point, sooner or later.
The people who talk this way do not hate you, despite that they say they do, any more than a schoolboy looking at a centerfold loves her. She is merely a convenient image to excite his passions. Exciting the passions is the goal. The lust exists for its own sake.
So also here. The hatred exists for its own sake, because of the momentary pleasure it excites. Political Correctness is to hatred as pornography is to lust.
If you are a bad Christian, as I am, filled with all manner of folly, and faults, and sins, you will often wonder why, out of all your real faults which could be criticized, the Politically Correct only select either trivial faults, or nonexistent ones. There are two reasons:
First, paradoxical as it sounds, this is because a false accusation is easier to make than a true one. A true accusation has to make reference to boring things like facts and logic. A false accusation can be sculpted to excite the maximum of hate for the least mental effort, and approach the realm of pure emotion, unfettered by reality. It also can fit a lazy stereotype.
Second, Political Correctness calls good evil and call evil good. To be accused of a real sin would ricochet onto the accuser on one in his party, since he might be guilty of the same. Instead, the accusation confines itself to purely ritual matters, such as whether the accused use an insensitive name rather than the ritually pure name for a thing, or genuflected at the ritually pious sentiments with sufficient show of zeal.
No honest man, deep down, can ever really understand the devotees of Political Correctness, because they want to be hypocrites.The shock and surprise at their utter shamelessness never fades.
They want to put on an outward show of ritualized self-righteousness, not only because it is easy, but because to those who believe as an absolute truth that there is no absolute truth, nothing other than the shallow approach to life, concern for meaningless surface features, is all that is philosophically possible for them.
The Playboy model who posed for the camera surely is puzzled, if not disgusted, by any fan mail expressing deep devotion toward her. She knows the schoolboys only saw the shallowest possible presentation of her, an airbrushed mirage, a glamor of lights and make-up and make-believe. She is more likely to find a shallower compliment more flattering, because she knows the lustful boys are only drawn to an image.
So here again. When men revile you with cast despiteful words and slanders, it is not you they hate. Frankly, neither you nor I are that important. It is the image of God in you they hate, my dear faithful Christian, my dear observant Jew: the image of authority, the image of purity; of divinity; the image of truth and beauty and love.