A Miracle from the Bishops, and Gibberish from the Machine
Every single Roman Catholic bishop in the United States has condemned in public the Obamacare HHS mandate — all 180 bishops who lead dioceses in the U.S. have spoken.
My comment: I am astounded. I have never known all the Bishops in America to agree on anything. Nothing other than the most brazen attack on the Church would provoke such a response.
And the Dem political machine has issued its talking points, and decided on their plan of counter-attack, which is the same weapon they always use, because they only have one arrow in their quiver, and one weapon in their arsenal. Argumentum ad Hominem.
They are going to call into question the motives of the Bishops, either by saying that this is motivated by the Catholic Church’s love of the Republican Party (I will pause for you to clean the coffee off your monitor left by the Danny Thomas spit-take you no doubt just performed) or by saying this is due to the Catholic Bishops hatred for Obama or for Obamacare. As far as I remember the last election results, Obama was elected by the Catholic swing vote. The Bishops have been in favor of universal health care since roughly 1911.
The Dems have decided to frame this debate in terms of the brave resistance of the bold rebellion of the weak and small Federal government protecting the cringing and scattered womanhood from the ruthless oppression of the jackbooted Catholic Bishops astride a world-trampling Leviathan raiding their homes and bedrooms to rob them of the condoms, pills, and diaphragms on whom their sacred honor, their equality with men, and their very lives depend.
I just heard Lanny Davis, Clinton-era apologist and professional defender of the indefensible, crowing that he welcomes making a campaign issue out of this question, since the alleged compromise with the anti-Church and the anti-Constitution mandate has now altered the terms of the debate. The Administration’s attack on the Free Exercise of Religion has been magically transformed by Liberal Fairy Dust and Happy Thoughts into the Bishops’ Attack on Womanhood and Everything Good and Nice in the Universe.
If the public can be fooled by such a transparent eructation of jabberwocky nonsense-talk as this, we should all forswear our faith in representative government forever on the grounds that we the people are just too stupid and silly to rule our own affairs, and become a Monarchist or an Imperialist. Long live the Queen! Vive l’Empereur!
I jest, but it is a bitter jest, because if the people do prove too stupid or silly to govern themselves, they will elect a Napoleon, or give bit by bit Napoleonic powers to the office once held by Washington.
History is just, therefore the people get the type of government they deserve. Let us pray that God is merciful, and save us from the justice of history.