Legend of Korra
That noise you just heard, if you live in Virginia, was me squealing like a schoolgirl.
Nickelodeon released for a single day the first two episodes of its upcoming sequel to AVATAR: THE REAL ONE called AVATAR: LEGEND OF KORRA, which I was lucky enough to see.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is very hard to do a sequel, because the writing has to catch lighting in a bottle for a second time, with a new plot and new situation which is like, but not too like, the original, but not too different either, and with a character who is like but not too unlike the beloved characters of the first.
They’ve done it.
The same sense of humor, of drama, even of morally complex drama is present. There is no war, but the world is slightly out of balance, as one might expect after a steampunk-themed industrial revolution, and the monarchies of old have given way to a republic, with at least some of the advantages (and drawbacks) of a republic.
Korra from the first moment on screen is a charming and well realized character, enough like Aang to be his reincarnation, but with the spunk of Toph and the drive of Kitara.
The writing also nicely extrapolates the implications of what was established in the first series. I will not mention them, for I would not spoil your surprise come April.