I have shanghaied this blog. You will have to read this post quickly, before the Master of the Blog returns and purges my post.
I did not feel John’s comments on the Sneerers covered the matter sufficiently. In particular:
-It is a classic bit of special pleading with extra sentiment and tearjerking self pity to boot. Since I’ve read some of Wright’s other blog posts I can assure you that if someone were to frighten him out of his new found religion and back into his old supposed logical atheism he wouldn’t become a worse person. He never altered his basic attitude towards other human beings which is contempt for them–especially for women who aren’t feminine by his standards. He simply transferred his contempt from believers to atheists. He remains, as he always was, an authoritarian personality in search of a group to oppress, and a stronger group to cling to for protection. C’est tout.
The problem with this is it suggests John became Christian and then turned on atheists. But it actually happened in the opposite order. He became disgusted with the illogic of his fellow atheists and, thus, became more friendly to Christians.
At the time, I thought this was foolish. After all…we Christians know that there are many strange and outlandish folks among the Christians whose arguments make no sense. But later, I realized that one of the reasons John was an atheist is that he thought atheists were reasonable and religious folk were not.
But even now, years later, John still is troubled when he hears bad atheist arguments. He begins twitching with the desire to go set things right and mutters under his breath, “They are a disgrace to the Powers of Evil!”
He will then turn to me and say, “I could put that across so much more clearly!”
To which I say….”True…but you aren’t supposed to be helping the Powers of Evil.”
To which he says, slightly deflated, “Oh…right.”
The biggest lesson I take from all this, however, is to be careful when I judge others. I can see how a person reading John’s work could easily draw the conclusions drawn above…but they would be totally wrong about the kind of guy he is and his motivations. Makes me think I should be slower to judge others based on their public statements.
Okay…back to our regularly-scheduled blogger!
Mrs. John C. Wright