Quote for the Day
From THE Z LENSMAN by David Kyle:
I note that you have a problem. You are wondering how to refer to me. Do you say, ‘He is certainly far more clever than I?’ Or do you say, ‘She is certainly more intelligent than I?’ Or perhaps you should use ‘it’?
I am a Palainian ‘two’, the defensive or protective sex, like a ‘mother.’ Use the female term for me, if you must. Ymkzex, in contrast is a ‘three,’ the offensive or aggressive sex, a ‘father,’ as is Nadreck, my offspring once removed. Angzex, the absent one, who so wisely chooses not to aid me, to ignore me, is a ‘one,’ like a prenuptial catalyst as opposed to a postnuptial catalyst such as ‘four.’ Emmfozing — breeding, that is — is a complicated process.